Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/CAE
Benefits: New connector behaviors allow you to define damage and failure effects in connectors in ABAQUS/Standard, thus allowing for more realistic modeling of many discrete connections, such as spot welds or rivets.
Description: Damage and failure effects in connectors, previously available in ABAQUS/Explicit, can now be modeled in ABAQUS/Standard.
Connector damage can be defined either in terms of connector individual components of relative motion or in a coupled fashion involving several components of relative motion simultaneously. Damage is initiated in a connector when a user-specified criterion is met. Force-based, relative motion-based, or relative plastic motion-based initiation criteria are available. Once damage is initiated, a user-specified damage evolution law is used to soften the connector response. Either a relative motion-based or an energy-based damage evolution law can be used. You can specify multiple competing or cumulative damage mechanisms (pairs of damage initiation criteria and damage evolution laws) in the connector, and you can choose the components of relative motion for which the response will be damaged. Both coupled and uncoupled damage behavior are now supported in ABAQUS/CAE.
Connector failure can be modeled in either the available components of motion or constrained components of motion. It can be triggered if either a connector relative motion or connector force in a specified component is outside a specified range and can be used to fail all or specified components of relative motion if a specified criterion is met.
Interaction module: ConnectorSection
Create: choose connection type: Add
Damage or Failure