Benefits: The addition of connector functions for coupled connector behavior to ABAQUS/CAE increases the coverage of ABAQUS analysis product functionality.
Description: You can define connector derived components and connector potentials for coupled connector behavior in ABAQUS/CAE. Connector derived components are user-specified component definitions based on a function of intrinsic connector component values. Connector potentials are user-defined mathematical functions that represent yield surfaces, limiting surfaces, or magnitude measures in the space spanned by the components of relative motion in the connector. Figure 81 and Figure 82 show the editors for specifying terms in connector functions.
Interaction module: ConnectorSection
Create: choose connection type: Add
Friction: Friction model: User-defined, Contact Force, specify derived component Add
Friction: Friction model: User-defined, Slip direction: Compute using force potential, Force Potential, specify potential contribution and derived component Add
Plasticity: Coupling: Coupled, Force Potential, specify potential contribution and derived component Add
Damage: Coupling: Coupled, Initiation Potential or Evolution Potential, specify potential contribution and derived component