Benefits: ABAQUS/CAE improves performance by using a stippled highlighting style by default when you choose geometry faces in the Part module or Assembly module. Two other highlighting styles are also available: isolines, which were used in Version 6.5, and facets.
Description: Figure 21 shows three views of a sample part with its front face selected: the left figure uses stippling as the selection method, the middle figure shows an example of isolines, and the right figure displays facet selection.
The stippling method offers a performance advantage, particularly for large, complex parts and assemblies. Using isolines can allow you to see a part or assembly more easily in wireframe mode than the stippling method. Finally, displaying all of a part or assembly's facets can help you debug a mesh more effectively, because meshing depends on the orientation of facets in a part or assembly.Assembly module: ViewAssembly Display Options: Highlight faces using: Stippling, Isolines, or Facets Part module: View
Part Display Options: Highlight faces using: Stippling, Isolines, or Facets