2.7 Customizing the highlighting style for geometry faces

Product: ABAQUS/CAE  

Benefits: ABAQUS/CAE improves performance by using a stippled highlighting style by default when you choose geometry faces in the Part module or Assembly module. Two other highlighting styles are also available: isolines, which were used in Version 6.5, and facets.

Description: Figure 2–1 shows three views of a sample part with its front face selected: the left figure uses stippling as the selection method, the middle figure shows an example of isolines, and the right figure displays facet selection.

Figure 2–1 Highlighting faces with Stippling, Isolines, and Facets.

The stippling method offers a performance advantage, particularly for large, complex parts and assemblies. Using isolines can allow you to see a part or assembly more easily in wireframe mode than the stippling method. Finally, displaying all of a part or assembly's facets can help you debug a mesh more effectively, because meshing depends on the orientation of facets in a part or assembly.

Assembly module:
  ViewAssembly Display Options: Highlight faces using: Stippling, Isolines, or Facets
Part module:
  ViewPart Display Options: Highlight faces using: Stippling, Isolines, or Facets

ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual