Plot options are applied to only the current layer when you are in the overlay plot mode.
To apply plot options to layers in an overlay plot:
Create an overlay plot using the procedure described in Producing an overlay plot, Section 52.2.1.
Click in the Current column next to the layer for which you want to modify the plot options.
Click Plot/Apply to apply your settings to the overlay plot in the current viewport.
Select Optionsplot mode from the main menu bar, and select the plot customization options for the plot contained in the current layer. (See Chapter 37, Customizing plot display,” for information on customizing your plots.)
Click OK or Apply in the plot options dialog box.
The plot customization options are applied to the current layer in the overlay plot.
Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 for each plot that you wish to modify.
Note: If you modify the plot customization options for a plot mode other than the one contained in the current layer, your changes will be visible only when you exit the overlay plot mode and switch to the affected plot mode.