37.2.1 Choosing a render style

Render style is the style in which ABAQUS/CAE displays your model. Render style is plot mode-dependent; that is, you control it separately for undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots. Possible render styles are Wireframe, Hidden, Filled, and Shaded; these styles are shown in Figure 37–1. An explanation of these choices follows.

Figure 37–1 Model showing render style options. From left to right: the wireframe, filled, hidden, and lightsource-shaded render styles.


Displays model edges; both interior and exterior edges are potentially visible. Wireframe plots produce a frame-like visual effect in which model faces are not displayed. Wireframe is the most rapidly drawn render style.


Displays model faces “painted” in a uniform color. Filled plots produce a solid rather than frame-like appearance in which only exterior faces are visible.


Displays a wireframe plot in which edges obscured by the model are not visible. Hidden plots produce a solid rather than frame-like appearance.


Displays a filled plot in which a light source appears to be directed at the model. Shaded plots produce a highly three-dimensional visual effect.

To choose the render style of your plot:

  1. Locate the Render Style options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or material orientation) that you want to customize.

    From the main menu bar, select Optionsplot mode; then click the Basic tab in the dialog box that appears. The Render Style options become available.

  2. From the Render Style list, click the render style you want.

    Tip:  You can also select the render style for the current plot mode (excluding display bodies) by clicking the wireframe , hidden , filled , or shaded icons located in the toolbar.


    • ABAQUS/CAE automatically switches to the undeformed plot mode when a fast plot is displayed and you click the hidden, filled, or shaded icons in the toolbar.

    • Contour plots support the filled and shaded render styles only.

    • Symbol and material orientation plots support the wireframe and shaded render styles only.

    • Symbol and material orientation plots in the shaded render style automatically activate translucency at a default value of 0.3.

  3. Click Apply to implement your changes.

    Since the render style is plot mode-dependent, the render style changes to reflect your specification in plots of the current mode only.

    Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this mode.

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