37.2.2 Customizing lightsource-shaded translucency

Translucency options control the degree of transparency of your model, and they apply to lightsource-shaded render style plots only. Translucency is plot mode-dependent; that is, you control it separately for undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, and material orientation plots.

For shaded symbol and material orientation plots, translucency is always turned on so that you can view symbol plot arrows and material orientation triads located in the interior of the model. However, you can use the plot options to change the percentage of translucency.

To customize translucency:

  1. Locate the Translucency options for the plot mode (undeformed, deformed, contour, symbol, or material orientation) that you want to customize.

    From the main menu bar, select Optionsplot mode. Click the Other tab in the dialog box that appears; then click the Translucency tab. The Translucency options appear.

  2. Choose the percentage of translucency.

    Drag the slider to the percentage of translucency that you want. A value of .00 indicates transparent plotting; 1.00 indicates opaque plotting. The default translucency for symbol and material orientation plots is .30; for all other plot modes the default is .00.

  3. Click Apply to implement your changes.

    Since translucency is plot mode-dependent, the translucency of lightsource-shaded plots changes to reflect your specifications in plots of the current mode only.

    Your changes are saved for the duration of the session and will affect all subsequent plots in this mode.

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