Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
This section describes the format of the ABAQUS results file.
This section describes the format of the individual records in the results file. Where applicable, the output variable identifier used in writing a given value to the file is printed below the corresponding record type description. Records that are available only in ABAQUS/Standard are designated with an (S); records that are available only in ABAQUS/Explicit are designated with an (E).
The results file is written as a sequential file. Each record has the following format:
All words in the results file are of the same length, whether they contain integer, floating point number, or character string data. The word length is that of a double precision floating point number (8 bytes).
The attributes in a given record may depend on the element type being considered. For example, the stress components associated with three-dimensional shell elements are ,
, and
(in local directions), while those associated with three-dimensional solids are
, and
(in global directions if no local orientation is specified). Thus, care must be used in interpreting the data when postprocessing the file output. Refer to Part V, Elements,” for a definition of the ordering of element-dependent attributes.
In steady-state dynamic analyses, complex values are stored as the real components followed by the imaginary components. For example, the stress components associated with three-dimensional shell elements are ,
, and
followed by
, and
In models that are defined in terms of an assembly of part instances, the results file contains internal (global) node and element numbers, as explained in Output, Section 4.1.1. Part and assembly records are not included in the results file.
If the components of an element quantity are in local directions, a record of type 85 defining these directions is generated for each point at which component output is requested if the local coordinate directions were requested in ABAQUS/Standard (see Output of local directions to the results file” in “Output to the data and results files, Section 4.1.2) and automatically in ABAQUS/Explicit. The local coordinate system may be inherent to the element, as is the case in shells and membranes, or may have been defined by a local orientation (see Orientations, Section 2.2.5).
For shell elements a direction record is written for every material point in the section for which component output is requested, and a separate direction record is written for section forces and section strains. For geometrically nonlinear analysis in ABAQUS/Standard the record contains the current, updated directions, except for small-strain shells, in which case the original directions are given. Direction output is not provided for trusses, two-dimensional beams, axisymmetric shells or membranes, or for values averaged at nodes.
Some record types include labels, such as element and node set names, written in A8 format. If a label exceeds 8 characters, an integer identifier will be written instead. This identifier can then be used to cross-reference the actual label stored in 10A8 format on record type 1940.
Record key: 1900 | Record type: Element definitions | ||||||||||
Record key: 1990(S) | Record type: Element definition continuation | ||||
In ABAQUS/Explicit quadrilateral/brick elements that are degenerate (i.e., possessing identical nodes) are written out in record 1900 as corresponding triangular/tetrahedral/wedge elements. For example, a CPE4R element with two identical nodes is written as a CPE3 element, and a C3D8R element with identical third and fourth nodes and identical seventh and eighth nodes is written as a C3D6 element. | |||||||||
Record key: 1901 | Record type: Node definitions | ||||||||
Record key 1902 (below) defines the location of each active degree of freedom. For example, if the model contains only two-dimensional beam elements, the only active degrees of freedom are 1, 2, and 6. Therefore, this record would have the attributes (1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3), meaning that degree of freedom 1 ( | |||||||
Record key: 1902 | Record type: Active degrees of freedom | ||||||
Record key: 1910(S) | Record type: Substructure path | ||||||||||
Record key: 1911 | Record type: Output request definition | ||||||
Record key: 1921 | Record type: ABAQUS Version, etc. | ||||||||||||||
Record key: 1922 | Record type: Heading | ||
Record key: 1931 | Record type: Node set | ||||||||
Record key: 1932 | Record type: Node set continuation | ||||
Record key: 1933 | Record type: Element set | ||||||||
Record key: 1934 | Record type: Element set continuation | ||||
Record key: 1940 | Record type: Label cross-reference | ||||
Record key: 1980(S) | Record type: Modal | ||||||||||||||||||
Any nodal or element data after this record refer to the eigenvector, until a new record key 1980 or a record key 2001 is encountered. Eigenvalue output for substructures (see Writing the recovery matrix, reduced stiffness matrix, mass matrix, load case vectors, and gravity vectors to a file” in “Defining substructures, Section 7.2.2) also uses these records to divide up elemental and nodal results. This record is written if there are any results file output requests for an eigenvalue buckling prediction or eigenfrequency extraction step. The generalized mass, etc. are not written for an eigenvalue buckling prediction step. This record is not written for a complex eigenfrequency extraction step.
Record key: 2000 | Record type: Increment start record | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following record is written once per increment, after all data records have been written for that increment. | |||
Record key: 2001 | Record type: Increment end record | ||
Note: When binary format is used, the results file is written in blocks of 512 words for each increment. If there are fewer than 512 words in the last block of the current increment, record 2001 has zeros appended to it so that the total length of the block is 512. Hence, the length of record 2001 is 2 + the number of zeros appended. For an ASCII format results file record 2001 is extended to complete an 80 character logical record, and a logical record of 80 blank characters is added after this record. See Accessing the results file information, Section 5.1.3.
These records contain data about element variables at integration points within the elements, at the centroid of elements, or at the nodes of an element.
Record key: 1 | Record type: Element header record | ||||||||||||||||||
Record key: 2 | Output variable identifier: TEMP | ||
Record type: Temperature
Record key: 3(S) | Output variable identifier: LOADS | ||||
Record type: Distributed load
Record key: 4(S) | Output variable identifier: FLUXS | ||||
Record type: Distributed flux
Record key: 5 | Output variable identifier: SDV | ||||||
Record type: Solution-dependent state variables
Record key: 6(S) | Output variable identifier: VOIDR | ||
Record type: Void ratio
Record key: 7(S) | Output variable identifier: FOUND | ||||
Record type: Foundation pressure
Record key: 8(S) | Output variable identifier: COORD | ||||
Record type: Coordinates
Record key: 9(S) | Output variable identifier: FV | ||||
Record type: Field variables
Record key: 10(S) | Output variable identifier: NFLUX | ||||||
Record type: Nodal flux caused by heat
Record key: 11 | Output variable identifier: S | ||||||
Record type: Stresses
Record key: 475(S) | Output variable identifier: CS11 | ||
Record type: Average contact pressure (for link and three-dimensional line gasket elements)
Record key: 12(S) | Output variable identifier: SINV | ||||||||||||||
Record type: Stress invariants
Record key: 13 | Output variable identifier: SF | ||||||
Record type: Section forces and moments
Record key: 449(S) | Output variable identifier: ESF1 | ||
Record type: Effective axial section force
Record key: 14(S) | Output variable identifier: ENER | ||||||||||||||
Record type: Energy densities
Record key: 14(E) | Output variable identifier: ENER | ||||||||||||||
Record type: Energy densities
Record key: 15(S) | Output variable identifier: NFORC | ||||||
Record type: Nodal forces caused by stress
Record key: 16(S) | Record type: Maximum section stresses | ||
The order of the data and the number of data items for record 17 depends on the element type. For LS3S elements: | |||||||||
Record key: 17(S) | Output variable identifier: JK | ||||||||
Record type: ![]() ![]()
For LS6 elements: | |||||||||||||
Record key: 17(S) | Output variable identifier: JK | ||||||||||||
Record type: ![]() ![]()
Record key: 18(S) | Output variable identifier: POR | ||
Record type: Pore or acoustic pressure
Record key: 19(S) | Output variable identifier: ELEN | ||||||||||||||||||||
Record type: Energy summed over element
Record key: 19(E) | Output variable identifier: ELEN | ||||||||||||||||||||
Record type: Energy summed over element
Record key: 21 | Output variable identifier: E | ||||||
Record type: Total strain in ABAQUS/Standard; infinitesimal strain in ABAQUS/Explicit
Record key: 22 | Output variable identifier: PE | ||||||
Record type: Plastic strains
Record key: 23(S) | Output variable identifier: CE | ||||||
Record type: Creep strains (including swelling)
Record key: 24(S) | Output variable identifier: IE | ||||||
Record type: Total inelastic strains
Record key: 25(S) | Output variable identifier: EE | ||||||
Record type: Total elastic strains
Record key: 26 | Output variable identifier: CRACK | ||||||||||||||||||
Record type: Unit normal to crack in concrete
Record key: 27 | Output variable identifier: STH | ||
Record type: Section thickness
Record key: 28 | Output variable identifier: HFL | ||||||||
Record type: Heat flux vector
Record key: 29 | Output variable identifier: SE | ||||||
Record type: Section strains and curvatures
Record key: 30(S) | Output variable identifier: DG | ||||
Record type: Deformation gradient
Record key: 31(S) | Output variable identifier: CONF | ||
Record type: Concrete failure
Record key: 32(S) | Output variable identifier: SJP | ||||||
Record type: Strain jumps at nodes
Record key: 33(S) | Output variable identifier: FILM | ||||||
Record type: Film
Record key: 34(S) | Output variable identifier: RAD | ||||||
Record type: Radiation
Record key: 35(S) | Output variable identifier: SAT | ||
Record type: Saturation (pore pressure analysis)
Record key: 36(S) | Output variable identifier: SS | ||||
Record type: Substresses (for ITT elements)
Record key: 38(S) | Output variable identifier: CONC | ||
Record type: Mass concentration (mass diffusion analysis)
Record key: 446(S) | Output variable identifier: ISOL | ||
Record type: Amount of solute at the integration point (mass diffusion analysis)
Record key: 447(S) | Output variable identifier: ESOL | ||
Record type: Amount of solute in the current element (mass diffusion analysis)
Record key: 448(S) | Output variable identifier: SOL | ||
Record type: Amount of solute in the element set or model (mass diffusion analysis)
The number of data items for record 39 depends on the element type. For pore pressure elements and mass diffusion analysis: | |||||||||
Record key: 39(S) | Output variable identifier: MFL | ||||||||
Record type: Mass concentration flux vector
For fluid link elements: | |||
Record key: 39(S) | Output variable identifier: MFL | ||
Record type: Mass flow rate
Record key: 40(S) | Output variable identifier: GELVR | ||
Record type: Gel (pore pressure analysis)
Record key: 43(S) | Output variable identifier: FLUVR | ||
Record type: Total fluid volume ratio
Record key: 61(E) | Output variable identifier: STATUS | ||
Record type: Element status
Record key: 73(E) | Output variable identifier: PEEQ | ||
Record type: Equivalent plastic strain
Record key: 74(E) | Output variable identifier: PRESS | ||
Record type: Mean pressure stress
Record key: 75(E) | Output variable identifier: MISES | ||
Record type: Mises equivalent stress
Record key: 79(S) | Output variable identifier: RATIO | ||
Record type: Creep strain rate ratio
Record key: 79(E) | Output variable identifier: ERV | ||
Record type: Volumetric strain rate
Record key: 80(S) | Output variable identifier: AMPCU | ||
Record type: Solution-dependent amplitude value
Record key: 83(S) | Output variable identifier: SSAVG | ||||||
Record type: Average shell section stresses
The following record is generated in ABAQUS/Standard when the local coordinate directions are requested, component output is requested for a material or section point, and the components are given in a local coordinate system (see Output of local directions to the results file” in “Output to the data and results files, Section 4.1.2); it is generated automatically in ABAQUS/Explicit when component output is requested for a material or a section point and the components are given in a local coordinate system. Only the first two directions are given; if needed, the third direction can be obtained as the cross product of the first two. The direction record is not generated for trusses, two-dimensional beams, axisymmetric shells or membranes, or for values averaged at nodes. | |||||||||||||
Record key: 85 | Record type: Local coordinate directions | ||||||||||||
Record key: 86 | Output variable identifier: ALPHA | ||||||
Record type: Backstress for kinematic hardening plasticity
Record key: 87(S) | Output variable identifier: UVARM | ||||||
Record type: User-defined output variables
Record key: 88(S) | Output variable identifier: THE | ||||||
Record type: Thermal strains
Record key: 89 | Output variable identifier: LE | ||||||
Record type: Logarithmic strains
Record key: 90 | Output variable identifier: NE | ||||||
Record type: Nominal strains
Record key: 91(S) | Output variable identifier: ER | ||||||
Record type: Mechanical strain rates
Record key: 96(S) | Output variable identifier: MFLT | ||
Record type: Total mass flow through fluid link
Record key: 97(S) | Output variable identifier: FLVEL | ||||||||
Record type: Pore fluid effective velocity vector
Record key: 476(E) | Output variable identifier: EMSF | ||
Record type: Scaling factor
Record key: 477(E) | Output variable identifier: EDT | ||
Record type: Element time increment
For all principal values, the number of components equals NDI unless NDI equals 1, in which case the number of components equals NDI plus NSHR, where NDI and NSHR are given on the element header record. In the cases where NDI equals 2, only the in-plane values are given.
Record key: 401 | Output variable identifier: SP | ||||
Record type: Principal stresses
Record key: 402 | Output variable identifier: ALPHAP | ||||
Record type: Principal values of backstress tensor for kinematic hardening plasticity
Record key: 403 | Output variable identifier: EP | ||||
Record type: Principal strains
Record key: 404 | Output variable identifier: NEP | ||||
Record type: Principal nominal strains
Record key: 405 | Output variable identifier: LEP | ||||
Record type: Principal logarithmic strains
Record key: 406(S) | Output variable identifier: ERP | ||||
Record type: Principal mechanical strain rates
Record key: 407(S) | Output variable identifier: DGP | ||||
Record type: Principal values of deformation gradient
Record key: 408(S) | Output variable identifier: EEP | ||||
Record type: Principal elastic strains
Record key: 409(S) | Output variable identifier: IEP | ||||
Record type: Principal inelastic strains
Record key: 410(S) | Output variable identifier: THEP | ||||
Record type: Principal thermal strains
Record key: 411(S) | Output variable identifier: PEP | ||||
Record type: Principal plastic strains
Record key: 412(S) | Output variable identifier: CEP | ||||
Record type: Principal creep strains
Record key: 413 | Output variable identifier: VVF | ||
Record type: Void volume fraction
Record key: 414 | Output variable identifier: VVFG | ||
Record type: Void volume fraction (growth)
Record key: 415 | Output variable identifier: VVFN | ||
Record type: Void volume fraction (nucleation)
Record key: 416(S) | Output variable identifier: RD | ||
Record type: Relative density
Record key: 421(E) | Output variable identifier: CKE | ||||||
Record type: Cracking strains
Record key: 422(E) | Output variable identifier: CKLE | ||||||
Record type: Local cracking strains
Record key: 423(E) | Output variable identifier: CKLS | ||||||
Record type: Local cracking stresses
Record key: 424(E) | Output variable identifier: CKSTAT | ||||||
Record type: Status of cracks
Record key: 441(E) | Output variable identifier: CKEMAG | ||
Record type: Cracking strain magnitude
Record key: 42(S) | Output variable identifier: SPE | ||||||||
Record type: Plastic strain components
Record key: 47(S) | Output variable identifier: SEPE | ||||||||
Record type: Equivalent plastic strains
Record key: 462(S) | Output variable identifier: SEE | ||||||||
Record type: Elastic section strain components
Record key: 463(S) | Output variable identifier: SEP | ||||||||||||
Record type: Plastic displacements at frame element's ends
Record key: 464(S) | Output variable identifier: SALPHA | ||||||||
Record type: Generalized backstress components
Record key: 495 | Output variable identifier: CTF | ||||||
Record type: Connector total force
Record key: 496 | Output variable identifier: CEF | ||||||
Record type: Connector elastic force
Record key: 497 | Output variable identifier: CVF | ||||||
Record type: Connector viscous force
Record key: 498 | Output variable identifier: CSF | ||||||
Record type: Connector friction force
Record key: 499 | Output variable identifier: CSLST | ||||||
Record type: Connector lock and connector stop status flags
Record key: 500 | Output variable identifier: CRF | ||||||
Record type: Connector reaction force
Record key: 501 | Output variable identifier: CCF | ||||||
Record type: Connector concentrated force
Record key: 502 | Output variable identifier: CP | ||||||
Record type: Connector relative position
Record key: 503 | Output variable identifier: CU | ||||||
Record type: Connector relative displacement
Record key: 504 | Output variable identifier: CCU | ||||||
Record type: Connector constitutive displacement
Record key: 505 | Output variable identifier: CV | ||||||
Record type: Connector relative velocity
Record key: 506 | Output variable identifier: CA | ||||||
Record type: Connector relative acceleration
Record key: 507(E) | Output variable identifier: CFAILST | ||||||
Record type: Connector failure status flags
Record key: 542 | Output variable identifier: CNF | ||||||
Record type: Connector friction-generating contact force
Record key: 546 | Output variable identifier: CIVC | ||
Record type: Connector relative velocity in the direction of instantaneous slip
Record key: 548 | Output variable identifier: CASU | ||||||
Record type: Accumulated frictional slip
Record key: 556 | Output variable identifier: CUE | ||||||
Record type: Connector elastic displacement
Record key: 557 | Output variable identifier: CUP | ||||||
Record type: Connector plastic relative displacement
Record key: 558 | Output variable identifier: CUPEQ | ||||||
Record type: Connector equivalent plastic relative displacement
Record key: 559(E) | Output variable identifier: CDMG | ||||||
Record type: Connector overall damage variable
Record key: 560(E) | Output variable identifier: CDIF | ||||||
Record type: Connector force-based damage initiation criterion
Record key: 561(E) | Output variable identifier: CDIM | ||||||
Record type: Connector motion-based damage initiation criterion
Record key: 562(E) | Output variable identifier: CDIP | ||||||
Record type: Connector plastic motion-based damage initiation criterion
Record key: 563 | Output variable identifier: CALPHAF | ||||||
Record type: Connector kinematic hardening shift force
Record key: 44(S) | Output variable identifier: CFAILURE | ||||||||||
Record type: Failure measures
Record key: 45 | Output variable identifier: PEQC | ||||||||||||||||
Record type: Equivalent plastic strain components
Record key: 45(S) | Output variable identifier: PEQC | ||||||||||||||||
Record type: Equivalent plastic strain components
Record key: 473(S) | Output variable identifier: PEEQT | ||||
Record type: Equivalent plastic strain in uniaxial tension
Record key: 22(S) | Output variable identifier: PE | ||||||
Record type: Plastic strains in the elastic-plastic network
Record key: 524(S) | Output variable identifier: VS | ||||||
Record type: Stresses in the elastic-viscous network
Record key: 525(S) | Output variable identifier: PS | ||||||
Record type: Stresses in the elastic-plastic network
Record key: 526(S) | Output variable identifier: VE | ||||||
Record type: Viscous strains in the elastic-viscous network
Record key: 50(S) | Output variable identifier: EPG | ||||||
Record type: Electrical potential gradients
Record key: 442 | Output variable identifier: RBFOR | ||
Record type: Force in rebar
Record key: 443 | Output variable identifier: RBANG | ||
Record type: Rebar angle
Record key: 444 | Output variable identifier: RBROT | ||
Record type: Change in rebar angle
Record key: 445(S) | Output variable identifier: MFR | ||||
Record type: Mass flow rates
Record key: 46(S) | Output variable identifier: PHEPG | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitudes and phases of potential gradients (linear dynamics only)
Record key: 49(S) | Output variable identifier: PHEFL | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitudes and phases of electrical charge fluxes (linear dynamics only)
Record key: 51(S) | Output variable identifier: EFLX | ||||||
Record type: Electrical charge fluxes
Record key: 60(S) | Output variable identifier: CHRGS | ||||
Record type: Distributed electrical charges
Record key: 425(S) | Output variable identifier: ECD | ||||||
Record type: Electrical current density
Record key: 426(S) | Output variable identifier: ECURS | ||||
Record type: Distributed electrical current density
Record key: 427(S) | Output variable identifier: NCURS | ||||
Record type: Nodal current due to electric conduction
Records 52–59 provide values summed over an element set. These variables are available only in direct-integration implicit dynamic analyses (see Implicit dynamic analysis using direct integration, Section 6.3.2).
Record key: 52(S) | Output variable identifier: XC | ||||||
Record type: Current coordinates of center of mass
Record key: 53(S) | Output variable identifier: UC | ||||||
Record type: Displacement of the center of mass
Record key: 54(S) | Output variable identifier: VC | ||||||
Record type: Equivalent rigid body velocity
Record key: 55(S) | Output variable identifier: HC | ||||||
Record type: Angular momentum about center of mass
Record key: 56(S) | Output variable identifier: HO | ||||||
Record type: Angular momentum about origin
Record key: 57(S) | Output variable identifier: RI | ||||||
Record type: Rotary inertia about the origin
Record key: 58(S) | Output variable identifier: MASS | ||
Record type: Current mass of element set
Record key: 59(S) | Output variable identifier: VOL | ||
Record type: Current volume of element set
Record key: 48 | Output variable identifier: TSHR | ||||
Record type: Transverse shear stresses in 13 and 23 planes
Record key: 62(S) | Output variable identifier: PHS | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of stress components
Record key: 63(S) | Output variable identifier: RS | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of stress components
Record key: 65(S) | Output variable identifier: PHE | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of strain components
Record key: 66(S) | Output variable identifier: RE | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of strain components
Record key: 508(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCTF | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector total forces
Record key: 509(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCEF | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector elastic forces
Record key: 510(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCVF | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector viscous forces
Record key: 511(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCRF | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector total forces
Record key: 520(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCSF | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector friction forces
Record key: 512(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCU | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector relative displacements
Record key: 513(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCCU | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector constitutive displacements
Record key: 522(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCV | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector relative velocities
Record key: 523(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCA | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector relative accelerations
Record key: 543(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCNF | ||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of friction-generating connector force
Record key: 547(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCIVSL | ||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of connector relative velocity in the direction of instantaneous slip
Record key: 514(S) | Output variable identifier: RCTF | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of connector total forces
Record key: 515(S) | Output variable identifier: RCEF | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of connector elastic forces
Record key: 516(S) | Output variable identifier: RCVF | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of connector viscous forces
Record key: 517(S) | Output variable identifier: RCRF | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of connector reaction forces
Record key: 521(S) | Output variable identifier: RCSF | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of connector friction forces
Record key: 518(S) | Output variable identifier: RCU | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of connector relative displacements
Record key: 519(S) | Output variable identifier: RCCU | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of connector constitutive displacements
Record key: 544(S) | Output variable identifier: RCNF | ||||||
Record type: RMS values of connector force generating friction
Record key: 94(S) | Output variable identifier: PHMFL | ||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of mass flow rate
Record key: 95(S) | Output variable identifier: PHMFT | ||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of total mass flow
The following three variables are not available for eigenfrequency extraction, complex eigenfrequency extraction, eigenvalue buckling prediction, or linear dynamics procedures. They are available only for continuum and structural elements not using general beam or shell section definitions.
Record key: 76(S) | Output variable identifier: IVOL | ||
Record type: Integration point volume
Record key: 77(S) | Output variable identifier: SVOL | ||
Record type: Section volume
Record key: 78(S) | Output variable identifier: EVOL | ||
Record type: Whole element volume
Record key: 101 | Output variable identifier: U | ||||||||
Record type: Displacements
Record key: 102 | Output variable identifier: V | ||||||||
Record type: Velocities
Record key: 103 | Output variable identifier: A | ||||||||
Record type: Accelerations
Record key: 104 | Output variable identifier: RF | ||||||||
Record type: Reaction forces
Record key: 105(S) | Output variable identifier: EPOT | ||||
Record type: Electrical potential
Record key: 106(S) | Output variable identifier: CF | ||||||||
Record type: Point loads, moments, fluxes
Record key: 107 | Output variable identifier: COORD | ||||||||
Record type: Coordinates
Record key: 108 | Output variable identifier: POR | ||||
Record type: Pore or acoustic pressure
Record key: 109(S) | Output variable identifier: RVF | ||||
Record type: Reactive fluid volume flux
Record key: 110(S) | Output variable identifier: RVT | ||||
Record type: Reactive fluid total volume
Record key: 119(S) | Output variable identifier: RCHG | ||||
Record type: Electrical reaction charges
Record key: 120(S) | Output variable identifier: CECHG | ||||
Record type: Concentrated electrical nodal charges
Record key: 136 | Output variable identifier: PCAV | ||||
Record type: Fluid cavity pressure
Record key: 137 | Output variable identifier: CVOL | ||||
Record type: Fluid cavity volume
Record key: 138(S) | Output variable identifier: RECUR | ||||
Record type: Electrical reaction current
Record key: 139(S) | Output variable identifier: CECUR | ||||
Record type: Concentrated electrical nodal current
Record key: 145(S) | Output variable identifier: VF | ||||||||
Record type: Viscous forces due to static stabilization
Record key: 151(E) | Output variable identifier: PABS | ||||
Record type: Acoustic absolute pressure
Record key: 201 | Output variable identifier: NT | ||||||
Record type: Temperatures
Record key: 204(S) | Output variable identifier: RFL | ||||||
Record type: Residual fluxes
Record key: 204(E) | Output variable identifier: RFL | ||||||||
Record type: Reaction fluxes
Record key: 206(S) | Output variable identifier: CFL | ||||||
Record type: Concentrated fluxes
Record key: 214(S) | Output variable identifier: RFLE | ||||||
Record type: Internal fluxes
Record key: 221(S) | Output variable identifier: NNC | ||||
Record type: Normalized concentration (mass diffusion analysis)
Record key: 237(S) | Output variable identifier: MOT | ||||||||
Record type: Motions (in cavity radiation analysis)
Record key: 320(S) | Output variable identifier: CFF | ||||
Record type: Concentrated fluid flow
Record key: 111(S) | Output variable identifier: PU | ||||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of relative displacement
Record key: 112(S) | Output variable identifier: PTU | ||||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of total displacement
Record key: 113(S) | Output variable identifier: TU | ||||||||
Record type: Total displacement
Record key: 114(S) | Output variable identifier: TV | ||||||||
Record type: Total velocity
Record key: 115(S) | Output variable identifier: TA | ||||||||
Record type: Total acceleration
Record key: 116(S) | Output variable identifier: PPOR | ||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of acoustic or fluid cavity pressure
Record key: 117(S) | Output variable identifier: PHPOT | ||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of electrical potential
Record key: 118(S) | Output variable identifier: PHCHG | ||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of reactive charge (piezoelectric analysis)
Record key: 123(S) | Output variable identifier: RU | ||||||||
Record type: RMS values of relative displacement
Record key: 124(S) | Output variable identifier: RTU | ||||||||
Record type: RMS values of total displacement
Record key: 127(S) | Output variable identifier: RV | ||||||||
Record type: RMS values of relative velocity
Record key: 128(S) | Output variable identifier: RTV | ||||||||
Record type: RMS values of total velocity
Record key: 131(S) | Output variable identifier: RA | ||||||||
Record type: RMS values of relative acceleration
Record key: 132(S) | Output variable identifier: RTA | ||||||||
Record type: RMS values of total acceleration
Record key: 134(S) | Output variable identifier: RRF | ||||||||
Record type: RMS values of reaction forces
Record key: 135(S) | Output variable identifier: PRF | ||||||||||||||
Record type: Magnitude and phase angle of reaction force
Record key: 301(S) | Output variable identifier: GU | ||||||
Record type: Generalized displacements
Record key: 302(S) | Output variable identifier: GV | ||||||
Record type: Generalized velocities
Record key: 303(S) | Output variable identifier: GA | ||||||
Record type: Generalized accelerations
Record key: 304(S) | Output variable identifier: BM | ||||||||||||||||
Record type: Base motions
Record key: 305(S) | Output variable identifier: GPU | ||||||
Record type: Phase angle of generalized displacement
Record key: 306(S) | Output variable identifier: GPV | ||||||
Record type: Phase angle of generalized velocity
Record key: 307(S) | Output variable identifier: GPA | ||||||
Record type: Phase angle of generalized acceleration
Record key: 308(S) | Output variable identifier: SNE | ||||||
Record type: Strain energy per mode
Record key: 309(S) | Output variable identifier: KE | ||||||
Record type: Kinetic energy per mode
Record key: 310(S) | Output variable identifier: T | ||||||
Record type: External work per mode
The ordering of variables on element matrices is the same as that used for user elements (see User-defined elements, Section 18.15.1): first the variables at the element's first node, then those at its second node, etc. ABAQUS allows elements to have repeated nodes.
Record key: 1001(S) | Record type: Element matrix header record | ||||||||||||
Record key: 1002(S) | Record type: Element or substructure recovery matrix nodal dof | ||||||
Record key: 1003(S) | Record type: Element or substructure recovery matrix nodal dof change | ||||||||
Record key: 1004(S) | Record type: Element matrix record size | ||
Record key: 1005(S) | Record type: Element matrix header (continued) | ||||
Record key: 1011(S) | Record type: Symmetric element stiffness matrix | ||||||||
Record key: 1012(S) | Record type: Nonsymmetric element stiffness matrix | ||||||||
Record key: 1021(S) | Record type: Symmetric element mass matrix | ||||||||
Record key: 1022(S) | Record type: Nonsymmetric element mass matrix | ||||||||
Record key: 1031(S) | Record type: Load vector | ||||||||
Record key: 1032(S) | Record type: Substructure load case vector | ||||||||
Record key: 1041(S) | Record type: Substructure recovery matrix header record | ||||||||||||
Record key: 1042(S) | Record type: Substructure recovery matrix | ||||||||
Record key: 1043(S) | Record type: Substructure recovery matrix header (continued) | ||||
When you do not specify an element set for which energy output is being requested in ABAQUS/Standard, record 1999 provides values summed over the entire model; when you specify an element set for energy output, record 1999 provides values summed over all the elements in the specified element set. You can distinguish between a whole model 1999 energy record and an element set 1999 energy record by searching for a 1911 output request definition record containing the element set name; this 1911 record will be written just before the element set 1999 energy record. This 1911 record also has the first attribute set to 3 to indicate element set output. In ABAQUS/Explicit you cannot specify selected element sets for an energy output request; record 1999 provides the total energies for the whole model.
Record key: 1999(S) | Record type: Total energies record | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Record key: 1999(E) | Record type: Total energies record | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Calculations of the -integral and the C
-integral, the stress intensity factors, the crack propagation direction, and the
-stress can be requested. The record is written for each crack, one record per crack front location. See record key 17 for
-integral values for line spring elements.
Record key: 1991(S) | Record type: ![]() | ||||||||||||
Record key: 1992(S) | Record type: C![]() | ||||||||||||
Record key: 1995(S) | Record type: Stress intensity factors | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Record key: 1996(S) | Record type: ![]() | ||||||||||||
The following record is written for each crack that is identified in the crack propagation analysis:
Record key: 1993(S) | Record type: Crack tip location and associated quantities | ||||||||||||||||||
The number of data items for the following record depends on the type of surface being defined.
Record key: 1501(S) | Record type: Surface definition header | ||||||||||
Record key: 1501(S) | Record type: Surface definition header | ||||||||||||||||
Record key: 1502(S) | Record type: Surface facet | ||||||||||||
Record key: 5(S) | Output variable identifier: SDV | ||||||
Record type: Solution-dependent state variables
Record key: 1503(S) | Record type: Output request definition | ||||||||
Record key: 1504(S) | Record type: Node header | ||||
Record key: 1511(S) | Output variable identifier: CSTRESS | ||||||
Record type: Contact tractions
Record key: 1512(S) | Output variable identifier: CDSTRESS | ||||||
Record type: Viscous tractions
Record key: 1521(S) | Output variable identifier: CDISP | ||||||
Record type: Contact clearances
Record key: 1522(S) | Output variable identifier: CFN | ||||||||
Record type: Total force due to contact pressure
Record key: 1523(S) | Output variable identifier: CFS | ||||||||
Record type: Total force due to frictional stress
Record key: 1575(S) | Output variable identifier: CFT | ||||||||
Record type: Total force due to contact pressure and frictional stress
Record key: 1524(S) | Output variable identifier: CAREA | ||
Record type: Total area in contact
Record key: 1526(S) | Output variable identifier: CMN | ||||||||
Record type: Total moment about the origin due to contact pressure
Record key: 1527(S) | Output variable identifier: CMS | ||||||||
Record type: Total moment about the origin due to frictional stress
Record key: 1576(S) | Output variable identifier: CMT | ||||||||
Record type: Total moment about the origin due to contact pressure and frictional stress
Record key: 1578(S) | Output variable identifier: CTRQ | ||
Record type: Maximum torque that can be transmitted about the ![]()
Record key: 1573(S) | Output variable identifier: XN | ||||||
Record type: Coordinates of the center of the force due to contact pressure
Record key: 1574(S) | Output variable identifier: XS | ||||||
Record type: Coordinates of the center of the force due to frictional stress
Record key: 1577(S) | Output variable identifier: XT | ||||||
Record type: Coordinates of the center of the force due to contact pressure and frictional stress
Record key: 1528(S) | Output variable identifier: HFL | ||
Record type: Heat flux density
Record key: 1529(S) | Output variable identifier: HFLA | ||
Record type: HFL multiplied by area
Record key: 1530(S) | Output variable identifier: HTL | ||
Record type: Time integrated HFL
Record key: 1531(S) | Output variable identifier: HTLA | ||
Record type: Time integrated HFLA
Record key: 1532(S) | Output variable identifier: SFDR | ||
Record type: Heat flux density due to frictional dissipation
Record key: 1533(S) | Output variable identifier: SFDRA | ||
Record type: SFDR multiplied by area
Record key: 1534(S) | Output variable identifier: SFDRT | ||
Record type: Time integrated SFDR
Record key: 1535(S) | Output variable identifier: SFDRTA | ||
Record type: Time integrated SFDRA
Record key: 1536(S) | Output variable identifier: WEIGHT | ||
Record type: Weighting factor
Record key: 1537(S) | Output variable identifier: SJD | ||
Record type: Heat flux density due to electrical current
Record key: 1538(S) | Output variable identifier: SJDA | ||
Record type: SJD multiplied by area
Record key: 1539(S) | Output variable identifier: SJDT | ||
Record type: Time integrated SJD
Record key: 1540(S) | Output variable identifier: SJDTA | ||
Record type: Time integrated SJDA
Record key: 1541(S) | Output variable identifier: ECD | ||
Record type: Electrical current density
Record key: 1542(S) | Output variable identifier: ECDA | ||
Record type: ECD multiplied by area
Record key: 1543(S) | Output variable identifier: ECDT | ||
Record type: Time integrated ECD
Record key: 1544(S) | Output variable identifier: ECDTA | ||
Record type: Time integrated ECDA
Record key: 1545(S) | Output variable identifier: PFL | ||
Record type: Pore fluid volume flux per unit area
Record key: 1546(S) | Output variable identifier: PFLA | ||
Record type: PFL multiplied by area
Record key: 1547(S) | Output variable identifier: PTL | ||
Record type: Time integrated PFL
Record key: 1548(S) | Output variable identifier: PTLA | ||
Record type: Time integrated PFLA
Record key: 1549(S) | Output variable identifier: TPFL | ||
Record type: Total pore fluid volume flux leaving the slave surface
Record key: 1550(S) | Output variable identifier: TPTL | ||
Record type: Time integrated TPFL
Record key: 1570(S) | Output variable identifier: DBT | ||
Record type: Time when bond failure occurs
Record key: 1571(S) | Output variable identifier: DBSF | ||
Record type: Fraction of stress that remains at bond failure
Record key: 1572(S) | Output variable identifier: DBS | ||||
Record type: Remaining stress in the failed bond
Record key: 1601(S) | Record type: Cavity definition header | ||||||||||
Record key: 1610(S) | Record type: Facet order record size | ||
Record key: 1602(S) | Record type: Cavity facet order | ||||||||||||||
The ordering of the facets (each facet corresponds to one row of the viewfactor matrix) is that appearing in the cavity facet order record 1602.
Record key: 1608(S) | Record type: Output request definition | ||||
Record key: 1605(S) | Record type: Viewfactor matrix header | ||||
Record key: 1609(S) | Record type: Viewfactor matrix record size | ||
Record key: 1606(S) | Record type: Nonsymmetric viewfactor matrix | ||||||||
Record key: 1607(S) | Record type: Facet areas | ||||||||
Record key: 1603(S) | Record type: Output request definition | ||||||||
Record key: 1604(S) | Record type: Facet header record | ||||||
Record key: 231(S) | Record type: Radiation flux density | ||
Record key: 232(S) | Record type: Radiation flux | ||
Record key: 233(S) | Record type: Time integrated radiation flux density | ||
Record key: 234(S) | Record type: Time integrated radiation flux | ||
Record key: 235(S) | Record type: Total viewfactor (sum of viewfactor matrix row) | ||
Record key: 236(S) | Record type: Facet temperature | ||
The output variables described below are not available for random response analysis.
Record key: 1580(S) | Record type: Output request definition | ||||
Record key: 1581(S) | Record type: Section output header record | ||||||
The following two records are generated only when section output is requested in a local coordinate system. In that case all components of forces and moments are given with respect to the local system. Only the first two directions of the local coordinate system are given; if needed, the third direction can be calculated as the cross product of the first two. | |||||
Record key: 1582(S) | Record type: Global coordinates of the anchor point | ||||
Record key: 1583(S) | Record type: Direction cosines of the local coordinate system | ||||||||||||
Record key: 1584(S) | Output variable identifier: SOAREA | ||
Record type: Area of the defined section
Record key: 1585(S) | Output variable identifier: SOF | ||||||
Record type: Total force in the section in the selected system
Record key: 1586(S) | Output variable identifier: SOM | ||||||
Record type: Total moment in the section about the origin of the selected system
Record key: 1587(S) | Output variable identifier: SOCF | ||||
Record type: Global coordinates of the center of the total force in the section
Record key: 1588(S) | Output variable identifier: SOH | ||
Record type: Total heat flux across the section
Record key: 1589(S) | Output variable identifier: SOE | ||
Record type: Total current across the section
Record key: 1590(S) | Output variable identifier: SOD | ||
Record type: Total mass flow across the section
Record key: 1591(S) | Output variable identifier: SOP | ||
Record type: Total pore fluid volume flux across the section
For coupled analyses the appropriate combination of records is available. For example, in a thermal-electrical analysis both SOH and SOE are valid output requests.
Table 5.1.21 Keys to procedure types.
Key | Description |
1 | Static, automatic incrementation |
2 | Static, direct incrementation |
4 | Direct cyclic, automatic time incrementation |
5 | Direct cyclic, fixed time incrementation |
11 | Implicit dynamic, half-step residual tolerance given |
12 | Implicit dynamic, fixed time increments |
13 | Implicit dynamic, subspace projection |
17 | Explicit dynamic |
21 | Quasi-static, explicit time integration |
22 | Quasi-static, implicit integration |
31 | Heat transfer, steady-state |
32 | Heat transfer, transient, fixed time increments |
33 | Heat transfer, transient, maximum allowable nodal temperature change given |
34 | Mass diffusion, steady-state |
35 | Mass diffusion, transient, fixed time increments |
36 | Mass diffusion, transient, maximum allowable normalized concentration change given |
41 | Eigenvalue frequency extraction |
42 | Eigenvalue buckling prediction |
51 | Substructure generation |
61 | Geostatic stress field |
62 | Coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress, steady-state, fixed time incrementation |
63 | Coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress, steady-state, automatic time incrementation |
64 | Coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress, transient, fixed time incrementation |
65 | Coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress, transient, automatic time incrementation |
71 | Coupled thermal-stress, steady-state |
72 | Coupled thermal-stress, transient, fixed time increments |
73 | Coupled thermal-stress, transient, maximum allowable nodal temperature change and/or accuracy tolerance parameter given |
74 | Explicit dynamic coupled thermal-stress |
75 | Coupled thermal-electrical, steady-state |
76 | Coupled thermal-electrical, transient analysis, fixed time increments |
77 | Coupled thermal-electrical, transient analysis, maximum allowable nodal temperature change given |
85 | Steady-state transport, automatic incrementation |
86 | Steady-state transport, direct incrementation |
91 | Response spectrum |
92 | Modal dynamic |
93 | Steady-state dynamic |
94 | Random response |
95 | Direct-solution steady-state dynamic |
98 | Annealing |