3.7.2 Rebar modeling in three dimensions

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  

Let be the isoparametric coordinates of the basic finite element in which the rebar are placed. Let , be isoparametric coordinates on the surface of reinforcement, with . Let be a material coordinate along the rebar direction. See Figure 3.7.2–1.

Figure 3.7.2–1 Rebar in a solid, three-dimensional element.

The rebar is integrated using or Gauss points, depending on the order of the underlying element. The volume of integration at a Gauss point is

where is the cross-sectional area of each rebar, is the rebar spacing, is the Gauss weighting associated with the integration point, is the position of the Gauss point, and

In these expressions all quantities are taken in the reference configuration, and so ABAQUS ignores changes in rebar cross-sectional area due to straining of the rebar and changes in the rebar spacing due to straining of the finite element in which the rebar is placed.

The strain in the rebar is


and is the value of in the original configuration.

For convenience we define , a material coordinate that is distance measuring along the rebar in the current configuration:

The first variation of strain is

and the second variation of strain is
