13.11 Using the Edit Mesh toolset to create an offset mesh

Product: ABAQUS/CAE  

Benefits: You can create layers of shell or solid elements that are offset from an existing mesh. You can use an offset shell mesh to create multi-layered composite models and skin reinforcements. You can use an offset solid mesh to generate continuum shell and cohesive elements.

Description: You can use the Edit Mesh toolset to create layers of elements that are offset from existing elements along the surface of an orphan mesh part. The layers that you create can be either shell or solid elements. A layer of offset shell elements is shown in Figure 13–3.

Figure 13–3 A layer of offset shell elements.

A layer of offset solid elements is shown in Figure 13–4.

Figure 13–4 A layer of offset solid elements.

Part module:
   ToolsEdit Mesh

ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual