Benefits: The ability to specify ABAQUS/Explicit feature edge criteria in ABAQUS/CAE increases coverage of ABAQUS contact interaction functionality. Highlighting of selected surfaces is now available in the procedure for defining general contact.
Description: You can now specify the feature edge criteria for the perimeter edges and geometric edges to include in the general contact domain, as shown in Figure 115. In addition, you can specify pure master-slave weighting for node-to-face contact in a general contact interaction, as shown in Figure 116.
When you select surfaces to specify the contact domain or the attribute assignments, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the surfaces in the viewport by default. However, highlighting does not apply for the (Global), (Self), and (All) selections. You can toggle off Highlight selected regions to turn off selection highlighting.
Interaction module: InteractionCreate: General contact (Explicit): Surface Properties: Feature edge criteria assignments: Edit Interaction
Create: General contact (Explicit): Contact Formulation: Pure master-slave assignments: Edit