Define viscous damping between contacting surfaces.

This option is used to define viscous damping between two interacting surfaces. It must be used in conjunction with the *SURFACE INTERACTION, the *GAP, or the *INTERFACE option. In ABAQUS/Standard this option is primarily used to damp relative motions of the surfaces during approach or separation. In ABAQUS/Explicit this option is used to damp oscillations when using penalty or softened contact.

Products: ABAQUS/Standard  ABAQUS/Explicit  

Type: Model data in ABAQUS/Standard; History data in ABAQUS/Explicit

Level: Part  Part Instance  Assembly  Model in ABAQUS/Standard; Step in ABAQUS/Explicit  


Required parameter:


Use this parameter to choose the dimensionality of the damping coefficient that is specified on the data line. The only option that is available in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis is DEFINITION=DAMPING COEFFICIENT.

Set DEFINITION=CRITICAL DAMPING FRACTION to use a unitless damping coefficient, . The damping forces are calculated with , where is the nodal mass, is the nodal contact stiffness (in units of ), and is the rate of relative elastic slip between the surfaces. A default value of =0.03 is used for kinematic contact with softened behavior and penalty contact.

Set DEFINITION=DAMPING COEFFICIENT to specify damping in terms of a damping coefficient, , with units of pressure per relative velocity such that the damping forces will be calculated with , where is the nodal area and is the rate of relative elastic slip between the surfaces. If a contact area is not defined, such as may occur for node-based surfaces or for GAP- or ITT-type contact elements, coefficient units are force per relative velocity. For contact with three-dimensional beams or trusses, coefficient units are force per unit length per unit velocity.

Optional parameter:


Set this parameter equal to the tangential damping coefficient divided by the normal damping coefficient. This parameter affects only the tangential damping; the normal direction damping coefficient is defined on the data line below. Set this parameter equal to zero if no tangential damping is desired. The default is 0.0 in ABAQUS/Standard and 1.0 in ABAQUS/Explicit.

Data line to define viscous damping in the normal direction between the contacting surfaces: 

First (and only) line:

  1. Damping coefficient.

  2. The remaining data items are used only in ABAQUS/Standard analyses. For ABAQUS/Explicit damping is applied only when the surfaces are in contact, whereas for ABAQUS/Standard damping is applied independent of the open/close state.

  3. Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero, .

  4. Fraction of the clearance interval between zero clearance and over which the damping coefficient is constant, . The default is .