Assign contact controls for the general contact algorithm.

This option is used to modify contact controls for specific contact interactions within the domain considered by the general contact algorithm in ABAQUS/Explicit. It must be used in conjunction with the *CONTACT option.

Product: ABAQUS/Explicit  

Type: Model or history data

Level: Model  Step  


Required, mutually exclusive parameters: 


Set NODAL EROSION=NO (default) to keep a node of an element-based surface in the general contact domain as a point mass after all contact faces and edges to which it is attached have eroded.

Set NODAL EROSION=YES to delete a node of an element-based surface from the general contact domain once all contact faces and edges to which it is attached have eroded.


Set TYPE=SCALE PENALTY to assign a scale factor to the default penalty stiffnesses.

No data lines are used with this option when the NODAL EROSION parameter is specified. 


First line:

  1. The name of the first surface. If the first surface name is omitted, a default surface that encompasses the entire general contact domain (including all nodes and facets) is assumed.

  2. The name of the second surface. If the second surface name is omitted or is the same as the first surface name, the specified contact controls are assigned to contact interactions between the first surface and itself.

  3. The factor by which ABAQUS/Explicit will scale the default penalty stiffnesses for the specified contact pairings.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary. If the contact controls assignments overlap, the last assignment applies in the overlap region.