Future Networks and Next Generation Internet: References

Note: A periodically updated version of this list is kept on-line at http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/refs/ngi_refs.htm
Please send all corrections/additions to jain@cse.wustl.edu

Survey Papers

Books on Next Generation Architectures


Research Organizations

Networking Research Testbeds in US

Architectural Research

Content Distribution

Delay Tolerant Networking

Energy Efficiency




ID/Locator Separation

Internet 3.0

  • NLM-NIH(National Library of Medicine-National Institutes of Health): Next Generation Internet Awards, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/ngiinit.html
  • European Commission 7th Framework Program, http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.html
  • EC Network of the Future, http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/future-networks/
  • EC FP7 ICT Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures, http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/programme/challenge1_en.html"
  • EC Actrivities on Future Internet, http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/foi/
  • RFIDs and Internet of Things, http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/rfid/index_en.htm
  • Europa ICT Policy Support Programme, http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/ict_psp/index_en.htm
  • 4NEM: Network and Electronic Media, http://www.nem-initiative.org/
  • ADAMANTIUM: ADAptative Management of mediA distributioN based on saTisfaction orIented User Modelling, http://www.ict-adamantium.eu/
  • ASPIRE: Advanced Sensors and Lightweight programmable Middleware for Innovative Rfid Enterprise applications, http://www.fp7-aspire.eu/
  • AUTOI: Automatic Internet, http://ist-autoi.eu/autoi/
  • COMPAS: Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for Services, http://www.compas-ict.eu/
  • CONTENT, http://www.ist-content.eu/
  • CuteLoop: Customer in the Loop, http://www.cuteloop.eu/
  • EFIPSANS, http://www.efipsans.org/
  • EIFFEL, http://www.fp7-eiffel.eu/
  • eMOBILITY, http://www.ist-emobility.org/
  • FIRE: Future Internet Research and Experimentation, http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/fire/home_en.html
  • FIREworks: Future Internet Research and Experimentation - Strategy Works, http://www.ict-fireworks.eu/
  • MASTER: Managing Assurance, Security and Trust for sERvices, http://www.master-fp7.eu/
  • [OneLab] OneLab,http://www.onelab.eu
  • OPEN: Open Pervasive Environments for migratory iNteractive services, http://www.ict-open.eu/
  • PANLAB: Pan European Laboratory Infrastructure Implementation, http://www.panlab.net/
  • PARADISO, http://paradiso-fp7.eu/
  • S-CUBE: Software Services and Systems Network, http://www.s-cube-network.eu/
  • SENSEI: Integrating the Physical with the Digital World of the Network of the Future, http://www.ict-sensei.org/
  • SHAPE: Semantically-enabled Heterogeneous service Architecture (SHA) http://www.shape-project.eu/
  • SHIELDS: Detecting known security vulnerabilities from within design and development tools, European Union 7th Framework Program, http://www.shieldsproject.eu
  • SLA@SOI: Service Level Agreements for Service Oriented Infrastrucutures, http://sla-at-soi.eu/
  • SmartSantander, http://www.smartsantander.eu
  • SmoothIT:Simple Economic Management Approaches of Overlay Traffic in Heterogeneous Internet Topologies, http://www.smoothit.org/
  • SWIFT: Secure Widespread Identities for Federated Telecommunications, http://www.ist-swift.org/
  • TA2: Together Anywhere Anythime, http://www.ta2-project.eu/
  • Vital++, http://www.ict-vitalpp.upatras.gr
  • WISEBED: Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds, http://www.wisebed.eu/
  • WOMBAT: Worldwide Observatory of Malicious Behaviors and Attack Threats, http://www.wombat-project.eu/
  • Japan -->
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