R. Goyal, R. Jain, M. Goyal, S. Fahmy, and B. Vandalore, T. vonDeak, "Traffic Management in ATM Networks over Satellite Links," NASA/TM-1999/209196, October 1999, 38 pp. Available from NASA Center for Aerospace Information, Hanover, MD and from NTIS, Springfield, VA.

This report presents a survey of the traffic management issues in the design and implementation of satellite-ATM networks. First a reference satellite-ATM network architecture is presented along with an overview of the service categories available in ATM networks. The error characteristics of satellite channels, techniques to improve the error characteristics, and the impact on ATM network performance are then discussed. A delay model for satellite networks and the major components of delay and delay variation are described. A survey of design options for TCP over UBR, GFR and ABR services in ATM is presented next. The main focuses is on traffic management issues. Several recommendations on the design options for efficiently carrying data services over satellite-ATM networks are presented.

Complete Paper in (Pre-publication version of the report): Adobe Acrobat (308,204 Bytes)

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