Computer Architecture
Section 4 Problems:
- 1. The D type flip-flop shown below is made of D type latches. Finish
the timing diagram for the given input signals.
- 2. In class and the book we used NOR gates to build a latch. Design
a level sensitive SR latch using NAND gates.
- 3. Use the design process to design a Mealy model circuit that detects
the bit pattern 1110101 (least significant bit first). The pattern can
overlap. The output detection signal goes high when the pattern is
detected, 0 otherwise. Show a state diagram and state table.
- 4. Using the design process, design a 4-bit counter. There are no input
signals and the only output signals are the current state signals.
- 5. For the circuit given below, determine the output, Q,
for 12 clock cycles starting with Q = 00110111.