Matlab Fanuc Kinect

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Source Code for communication between Kinect Camera and Fanuc Robot

  • Special thanks for Andrew Schoer, Joshua Remba, Pradosh Kharel and Ian Sekiguchi for contributing to this page.
  • Before you launch Matlab, as administrator:
    • Open a Command Prompt
    • cd c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools
    • Type C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>ntrights -u ACCOUNTS\<wustl key> +r SeLockMemoryPrivilege
  • Use H:\* instead of \\warehouse.* for your Matlab working directory. If you browse to your home directory on the H: drive and double click on Kinect2SharedMem2Matlab.m this will happen automatically.
  • Zip file

Source Code Description:

  • Calibration.m:
    • % Script to calibrate the Kinect Camera to the Fanuc Robot
    • % Moves robot to 64 locations and locates X in Kinect image and then computes
    • % the transformation matrix between the Kinect and Robot. Creates TransMatrix.mat
    • % which contains transformation matrix T. Stores image data for post processing in
    • % calibrationInput.mat
  • Kinect2SharedMem2Matlab.m:
    • % Example script to acquire images from the Kinect camera in Matlab
    • % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • % Kinect class uses a slightly modified Microsoft Kinect SDK application
    • % DepthWithColor-D3 and SharedMemDLL.dll to stream images from the Kinect camera
    • % to this script. This script initializes the shared memory and then launches
    • % DepthWithColor-D3.exe. DepthWithColor-D3 connects to the **% shared memory
    • % and starts streaming RGB and depth images to it.
    • % This is preferable to using the KinectForWindowsExample.m because
    • % DepthWithColor-D3 aligns the RGB and Depth images.
  • Matlab2FanucExample.m: Send a series of movements to the Fanuc Robot using TCP/IP. Run LabVIEWMatlabFanuc\ and LV_COM_FRM on the Fanuc Robot first.
    • % Example script to move robot with Matlab commands. Runs on computer
    • % connected to Robot or on a remote computer
    • % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • % Launch the teaching pendant program LV_COM_FRM before launching this script.
    • % See:,_FAQ,_etc.#FAQ
    • % for detailed instructions.
    • % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • % Messages are sent from this script to the LabVIEWMatlabFanuc.exe to
    • % communicate the new position of the robot. The first 4 bytes of
    • % the message are the length of the message in ASCII and that the message
    • % is floating point numbers delimited by commas. You need to wait until it
    • % receives an 'Ack' message back from LabVIEW.
    • % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • % If this is the computer that also communicates with the robot, then set
    • % host to 'localhost'. In this case, the script will launch
    • % LabVIEWMatlabFanuc.exe. This is the application that receives message
    • % over TCP/IP from this script and communicates the coordinates to the
    • % program running on the robot.
    • % If this is NOT the computer that communicates with the robot, then set
    • % host to '' or whatever the IP is for that
    • % computer. You will have to manually run LabVIEWMatlabFanuc.exe on that
    • % computer and set the IP to this computer's address. You have to stop the
    • % application to change the IP. The application also starts minimized so
    • % you'll have to find it in the taskbar.
    • % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • % Matlab to LabVIEW communication based on
    • %
    • % Modified to pre-pend the length the the xmit string and to return the
    • % received message as a string
    • % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • TestCalibration.m:
    • % Script to test the calibration of the Kinect Camera to the Fanuc Robot
    • % Moves robot to random locations and locates X in Kinect image.
    • % The calculated position of the Fanuc, based on the Kinect and Transformation matrix,
    • % is then compared to the position that the Fanuc was sent to.
  • Miscellaneous Functions
    • Kinect.m:
      • % Class for communicating with the Kinect Camera. Uses SharedMemDLL.dll and DepthWithColor-D3D.
    • proj2cart.m: Convert from Kinect projection to cartesian coordinates. Best FOVx,FOVy is 63.1,49.6.
      • % Converts from Camera Pixel Coordinates and Real World Depth to
      • % RealWorld x,y,z
      • % In order to convert Kinect Coordinates to FANUC Coordinates:
        • % 1.) Convert Kinect Coordinates to Cartesian using proj2cart function
        • % 2.) Transponse Cartesian Coordinates to Column Vectors
        • % 3.) Append One as 4th element in Column Vector
        • % 4.) Multiply Column Vector(s) by Transform Matrix, T
    • Kinect Projection to Cartesian Conversion.docx
      • % Details of proj2cart.m function
    • absor.m
      • % Tool for calibrating 2 coordinate systems from
      • % Author: Matt Jacobson
      • % Copyright, Xoran Technologies, Inc.
    • CreateTemplates.m
      • % Creates templates for X and + images
    • DepthFilter.m
      • % Median filter for depth
    • Double2CSV.m
      • % Converts array of doubles to commma separated string
    • exchangeData.m
      • % transmits data over TCP/IP to LabVIEW program. Used to send robot coordintates.
    • DepthWithColor-D3D
      • % Slightly modified Microsft Kinect SDK example based on their example code DepthWithColor-D3D
      • % This is preferable to the KinectForWindows.m example because it solves the RGB/Depth registration
      • % issues.
    • LabVIEW2Fanuc
      • % LabVIEW source code and Application to pass commands from Matlab over TCP/IP to the Fanuc Robot using
      • % the NI Ethernet/IP toolkiit. LV_COM_FRM must be launched on the Teaching Pendant to complete the communication
    • SharedMem\SharedMemDLL
      • % Microsoft C++ built DLL to pass images in a large shared memory between 2 applications
    • TeachingPendantProgram
      • % Source code for LV_COM_FRM that is launched from the teaching pendant to communicate with the LabVIEW2Fanuc Application
    • RGB Depth Registration.docx
      • % Document with pictures of depth registration using KinectForWindowsExample.m and my Kinect class