Description of RoboticSensing.lvproj

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MicSourceLocator Project

MicSourceLocator.lvproj - Project file
  • My Computer
    • - top level vi to start Accoustic Source Localization implementation using Data Acquision and the fixed array of microphones
    • - top level vi to start Accoustic Source Localization implementation using the sbRIO Fobots
    • - generates a chirp on the sound card to drive a speaker for the accoustic source
    • - vi to compute angle of accoustic source - details assigned as homework
    • - vi to compute angle of accoustic source - details assigned as homework
    • - top level vi useful for developing algortihm to move a single robot from point A to point B
    • - top level vi to start implementing your BCI algorithm on the PC communicating with a single robot
  • Robot0
    • Examples
      • Blink (Host).vi: Really simple FPGA/LabVIEW Real-Time example - Blinks the LED on the sbRIO and displays the value of a 32 bit counter running off a 40 MHz clock sampled every 100 ms.
      • DMA Buffered Acquisition-2Channels (HOST).vi: - Acquires and displays samples from the ADC
      • Move Ultrasound Motor (Host).vi: - moves the servo motor on the top of the robot
      • Example of how to make the wheel motors move a specified amount
        • - controls the robot motors
      • Roaming - obstacle avoidance example that ships with the robots
    • - top level vi for Robot0 to start Accoustice Source Localization implementation. Works with for data acquistion and communication with the PC
    • SharedVariable0.lvlib - shared variable for communication between PC and robot0
    • FGPA Target - VIs for the FPGA design
    • NI_ROBOTICS_STARTER Kit Utilities.lvlib - utilities that ship with the robot
  • Robot1
    • - see Robot0
    • SharedVariable1.lvlib - shared variable for communication between PC and robot1