Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) + Raspberry Pi
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- Raspberry pi 3
- Ultrasonic Sensor(s) - HC-SR04
- A set of resistors for each sensor you are connecting
- 330Ω and 470Ω
- Jumper wires to connect the sensor(s) to the pi
- Breadboard to connect the sensor(s) to the pi
Wire Setup
There are four pins (labeled) on the sensor that need to be connected to the pins on the Raspberry pi
- VCC to Pin 2 (5v - power)
- GND to Pin 6 (ground)
- TRIG to Pin 12 (GPIO18)
- The 330Ω resistor to ECHO
- - On its end, connect it to Pin 18 (GPIO24)
- - Through a 470Ω resistor, connect it also to Pin6 (ground).
- - This is done because GPIO pins only tolerate maximal 3.3V
Use the breadboard as a connection between the sensor and the pi as done in this circuit diagram
- An additional sensor can be connected to the pi by mirroring this exact set up on the other half of the breadboard
- Connect the VCC and GND to the same pins (2 and 6)
- Choose any two GPIO pins for the TRIG and the ECHO connection
- Just be sure to account for the correct GPIO pins in your code
Create a new script
- Choose Menu → Programming → Click on Python 3 to create a new script
- The script below will print the distance of the object in front of the sensor at the time that you run the code
- All variables have a "1" after them because this code can easily be manipulated to add another sensor
- Simply copy and paste each section of code and rename variables with a "2"
- Be sure to set up a TRIG2 and ECHO2 to two new GPIO Pins on the pi and mirror the circuit diagram on the other half of the breadboard
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
TRIG1 = 18
ECHO1 = 24
#print ("Distance Measurement In Process")
GPIO.output(TRIG1, False)
#print ("Waiting For Sensor1 To Settle")
GPIO.output(TRIG1, True)
GPIO.output(TRIG1, False)
while GPIO.input(ECHO1) == 0:
pulse_start1 = time.time()
while GPIO.input(ECHO1) == 1:
pulse_end1 = time.time()
pulse_duration1 = pulse_end1 - pulse_start1
distance1 = pulse_duration1 * 17150
distance1= round(distance1, 2)
print ("Distance1:",distance1, "cm")
Save your script as ultrasonic_distance.py
- Go to File and click on Save as
- In the field Save in browse for the C: drive and then select a folder to save in
- For the field File name type in ultrasonic_distance.py
- In the field Save as type select All Files
- Click on Save
Use the terminal to run the script
- Click on the monitor icon on the top of the screen, this will open the terminal
- Type cd "folder name" to change directory to your pythonpractice folder, and hit Enter
- Type ultrasonic_distance.py and hit Enter to run your program