Title: Meeting, NMAP, and Research
Author: Patrick Naughton
Date: 2/5/2018
Hours: 4
Met with group to discuss wifi adapter. Decided that we don't need it because it will not improve the success of our simulation. Still important when considering scale-ability to actual cars.
Used nmap to find all Raspberry Pi's in the LAN. Very slow (on the order of 10's of seconds).
Met with Dr. Zhang to discuss progress. Decided it was worthwhile to prepare a primer on Wi Fi both to help other groups get background on the project and to formalize some of our own knowledge.
A grad student mentioned the use of UDP (user datagram protocol) to exchange information. Good because it doesn't require an initialization handshake and transmits quickly. Python has a built in library (socket) that interfaces with this protocol. It also supports broadcasting to an entire subnet, potentially eliminating the need for nmap. Will research further.
Began presentation on Wi Fi.
Next Steps:
- Complete presentation
- Experiment with socket library
- Calculate maximum allowable delay given car speeds (~5 m/s) and Wi-Fi range
- Debugging socket
- Getting reliable latency requirement estimates