Title: A Better WiFi Adapter and a Tutorial
Author: Patrick Naughton
Date: 1/28/2018
Hours: 1.5
Just found a Wi-Fi adapter compatible with the 802.11a standard. It does not come with a driver on the latest version of the Raspberry Pi, which could actually be a good thing because it means we can compile the driver ourselves (modifying open source designs to suit our needs). Links to the adapter and tutorial can be found at the end of the post.
This is available on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Edimax-EW-7811UTC-Dual-Band-Connectivity-Exceeding/dp/B00FW6T36Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1517199327&sr=8-1&keywords=AC600+Wireless+Dual-Band+Mini+USB+Adapter+EW-7811UTC) for about $16
Tutorial: https://layereight.de/raspberry-pi/2016/08/25/raspbian-rtl8812au.html
Link to github for open source driver: https://github.com/gnab/rtl8812au
Reference: adapters that work with Raspberry Pi: https://elinux.org/RPi_USB_Wi-Fi_Adapters