Autostarting Raspberry Pi Using VNC Viewer

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Autostarting Raspberry Pi Using VNC Viewer


The Raspberry Pi is an incredible tool to use for many different types of engineering projects. The Pi is a mini-computer; it can be programmed, used as a web browser, store memory, among other things. However, in order to use the Pi, you must have access to a micro USB (power source), a monitor, an HDMI cord, and keyboard (as well as a micro SD card that must always be in the Pi). In many engineering projects involving the Pi, it takes a considerable amount of time using the Pi across many different sessions. This leads to complications, as Pi users are restricted to working in environments where they have access to monitors, keyboards, and HDMI cords. VNC viewer is a helpful way to launch the Pi interface on a computer, but that setup also takes time.

The purpose of this tutorial is to save engineers time in their product development. Once this tutorial is completed, the Pi will be able to autostart using only its power source plugged into a computer, keyboard-free, monitor-free, and HDMI-free.