Gatorade Maker Log
Week 2 (9/15/17)
- Had group issues
- met with jim
Week 3(9/22/17)
- Decided on project
- Met with Jim and Natalie
Week 4 (9/29/17)
This week we researched methods of implementing our idea as well as coming up with a first draft of our design. Our design uses a solenoid valve to dispense water and an auger/step motor to dispense our gatorade powder. We plan to have a LCD interface in order for a person to input the amount of drink they desire. In our research we found explanations for linking solenoid valves and an auger to an Arduino so we now feel much more comfortable with the direction of project. Knowing are design has allowed us to have a better idea of the parts we will need and there prices. Therefore we updated our budget and have a good idea as to what is necessary. We spent about 5 hours working together on Saturday. We both also did research outside of this time. We plan to ask for help this week on choosing our loading cell/scale.
- I also spent time trying to finalize the gantt chart so it can be up to date and ready to go (fazeela)
- update Gantt Chart (will post)
- research with Jacob
- finalize budget
- Arduino demo below:
Week 5 (10/6/17)
- Why need diode, ohm resistor- selenoid valve
- Why we need power adapter - stepper motor
- presentation