Longboard sensor module log
Group Members
-Sam Ragsdale
-Danny Andreev
Week 1
This week we began physical planning and code/data planning. Additionally we created our BOM and Gant chart.
Physical planning: First where the parts will go in the box, what size the box should be, and where the box should be mounted on the board.
Code/Data Planning:
We started planning how much data we were going to capture, where to store it, and how to interpret it. We also started looking into communication protocols.
Week 2
We continued on our project planning. The majority of this was finalizing the parts we were going to use and made sure all of the parts were compatible with eachother. Another constraint for the parts was size. We tried to find both the smallest and most accurate (while still cheap) version of parts. That way we could ensure good data while also ensuring a small form factor on the board.
Week 3
We've started developing the CAD model of all of the components to make a box that holds the sensors and the Raspi. Ideally the print V1 should be done by the end of the week. We've ordered all the components and have started working on learning the libraries necessary to communicate between the Raspi and the external sensors.
<a href="https://uploadfiles.io/ibkna">Presentation Link</a>
Week 4
Files are now backed up on Danny Andreev's git repo under a larger electric longboard project. All electrical components were CADed.
<a href="https://github.com/lolomolo/LongboardMarkII/tree/master/Ev%20Sensor%20Module">Git Repo</a>
The code planning is almost complete and ready to be started for next week.