Networking Cars

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Revision as of 19:45, 4 October 2017 by Jyotideepta (talk | contribs)
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The project is to create a network of at least two cars that can locate each other without user guidance. Using the open source platform of the Pi Car, we hope to add a serviceable extra module to integrate with existing functions of the current system. This module will consist of a transmitter and a receiver on respective cars, and the dynamic car will be able to interpret the signal in order to self-navigate to the location of a second car.

Team Members

Curtis Hoffman
Deep Jyoti
Andrew O'Sullivan (TA)


  • Design sensor system to communicate relative location between two vehicles.
  • Integrate sensors in order to allow Pi Car to interpret signals into usable commands.
  • Assemble Pi Car Chassis.
  • Design and build a latching mechanism that integrates electromagnets and wire connections.
  • Using Bluetooth or similar systems, enable each car to locate one another.
  • Create a software interface and allows users to send commands to the cars to connect/disconnect.
  • Add circuitry to each of the microcontrollers on the cars to share information with one another using the I2C connection protocol.


  • Establishing reliable communication between cars
  • Make sure system is not susceptible to interference from ambient networks.
  • Design System for Power Delivery (Stretch Goal)
  • Become familiar with Pi Car hardware capabilities.
  • Learn Raspberry Pi


  • Pi Car Hardware (TBD)
  • Misc. Sensors (TBD)

Gantt Chart

Networking Pi Cars CH-DJ Gantt Chart 1.jpeg