Gymnastics Competition App Log

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Revision as of 01:42, 31 March 2017 by Aidan.warren (talk | contribs)
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Week of 1/27

We met with our TA, Nathan Schmetter, to discuss on our project proposal. We finished the project proposal, our budget, and the Gantt Chart.

Week of 2/3

Aidan finalized a design of our machine. We then updated our materials budget and our proposal to reflect that. We also met with our TA to discuss our proposal, and made edits based on Humberto's comments. Lawrence started to learn how to code with Python.

Week of 2/10

Aidan began to design the housing of our machine and uploaded it to our wikipedia page. We updated our budget and finalized a demo idea. Lawrence researched our YouTube direct upload idea. He continued to learn to code with Python and initialized the Raspberry Pi. After we started up Raspberry Pi, we found out that there is a program called BlueJ Java. Since both of us know some java programming language, we are more confident in learning the BlueJ program than a new language Python. We researched that it is also possible to have buttons input as well as YouTube direct upload with this coding, so we decided to use this instead of Python. Lawrence updated our proposal and gantt chart to reflect this change.

Week of 2/17

Aidan ordered the materials for our project and they arrived in the mail (camera, camera extension cord, and touchscreen). We started to code using BlueJ Java to create the program. We mostly worked on the part that will accept deductions and time stamp them. We also did research into accepting user input using the raspberry pi. We met with our TA, Nathan, and he helped us check out buttons to use with the Raspberry Pi.

Week of 2/24

Lawrence looked into the display screen we bought for our Raspberry Pi. He found out that we had to reformat the SD card, copy the 3.5 inch screen image onto it, and install relevant drivers in order to make it work. But as he reformatted the SD card, he did not backup our program so we lost our progress on it. He got the screen to work at the end. Aidan designed the camera housing in solid works, and began designing the machine housing in solid works.

Week of 3/3

We connected the camera to the raspberry pi and tested it to make sure the video feature worked. We also wired a button and Lawrence adjusted our code to mark deductions when the button is pressed. We decided to use a single foot pedal instead of multiple buttons, so we redesigned our system to use only one input button (pedal). Aidan designed the user interface screens for inputting scoring information so Lawrence will be ready to code those screens. Lawrence is going to use Python again and try to use PyQt as a GUI to code our touch screen screens with. Screens Design

Week of 3/10

Since it is Spring Break, we worked on the project separately and did not meet up with our TA. Lawrence looked into the GUI aspect of the program and started coding, while Aidan designed the layout and started printing the housing of the machine.

Week of 3/17

Lawrence has coded about half of the program on his laptop and is in the process of installing the GUI onto the raspberry pi so he can transfer the code. Aidan printed the machine housing and camera housing. He is in the process of making small changes and re-printing them. The foot pedal was ordered and should arrive next week. We also met with Nathan to update him on our progress.

Week of 3/24

Lawrence has finished coding the program (all the interface screens, camera recording, and button pressing) and is debugging it. Aidan has a working finished print for the camera housing and is reprinting the machine housing because the last print warped. The pedal arrived and we are working on connecting it to the Pi. It has 3 wires instead of 2 (like the buttons), so we need to figure out how to connect it. We met with Nathan who helped us with the wiring.

Machine and Camera Housing