Wash U Doing Weekly Log

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Revision as of 06:41, 4 March 2017 by CPazos (talk | contribs) (Updated progress)
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Note: From the week of January 27th to the week of February 17th, the group was pursuing a different project. The entries from the week of March 3rd and beyond reflect our work on our most recent project.

Week January 27th

In the first week, we formed our group of three members: Kristine Ehlinger, Carol Pazos, and Dylan Zubata. We decided to focus our project on creating an app that optimizes the walking distance across Wash U's campus.

Week February 3rd

This week we discussed the details of our project as we created our first Project Proposal. We met with our TA on Thursday and made various decisions about our project including: dividing the work, the programming language we plan to use, the resources we need for our project, and a project timeline.

Week February 10th

This week we began familiarizing ourselves with the ArcGIS tool and contacted the GIS department to discuss full features of ArcGIS. We also mapped out all of the destinations we intend to include in the app.

Week February 17th

After discussing with WUSTL employees, our group is waiting to be granted permission to use the WUSTL ArcGIS subscription. We also continued to annotate our map of Wash U's campus on ArcGIS and did further research into the optimization of our pathways. Specifically, we found an archive that describes how to "Find a Route," which can be utilized with our map.

Week February 24th

Permission has been granted to use WUSTL's ArcGIS subscription. ArcGIS's AppStudio has been downloaded to assist in incorporating our map into our app. We're currently trying to figure out the basics of AppStudio while other team members continue working on the map.

Week March 3rd

All: After reevaluating our initial proposal, we decided to look at new options for a project. We discussed a few different ideas, wrote mock proposals, and met with Natalie on Monday, February 27th. On Tuesday, we cemented our new idea: a platform to display events around campus. This website will be used by both students and organizations with an interactive map. On Thursday, we had our first evaluation, after which we used our notes to create a better understanding of our objectives for the website.

Kristine: Investigated the functions of Amazon Web Services, set up various trials of instances and websites, purchased the domain name "washudoing.com," linked domain name with website IP address Carol: Renamed project page and weekly log page to reflect progress on new project, started labeling locations within the WUSTL campus on google maps, created test html code. In the process of trying to link event data with location "pop-up" descriptor.