FootFrame Log

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Revision as of 18:21, 2 February 2017 by Jkorovin (talk | contribs) (Edit of Weekly Log)
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Week of January 29: The team spent a few hours brainstorming ideas for the idea FootFrame - a project that will detect forces applied by each foot when squatting or jumping onto two force sensitive resistors, one for each foot. Our idea was then to take this data into arduino, and use arduino to calculate and display the difference in these forces to detect an imbalance. This idea stemmed from our interest in the medical health field, as we thought detecting an imbalance in someone's standing posture could help determine whether it's necessary to fix the imbalance. Following this, researched load cells and the circuitry necessary to complete this project, along the way we found the items we would need to buy, which allowed us to work to complete our project proposal for FootFrame.