Electric Longboard

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Revision as of 22:15, 12 February 2016 by Mcetta (talk | contribs) (Added description)
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Project Overveiw

For our project we will be using a combination of premade materials and custom builds in order to create an ideal electric long board riding experience, which can be controlled with one hand. Using Max’s old long board we will mount an engine, circuit, and batter packs, while also attaching drivetrain to one wheel. We will use the curve of the long board's body to create a custom system.


The primary objective of this project is to create a functioning electric long board that will be able to travel at moderate speeds for a few miles at a time. We would also like to create our own hand-held controller using an Arduino and XBee. Using 3D printing we hope to create a custom mount for our engine, and design from the bottom up, a remote to moderate our boards speed. In the case that we finish early we would also like to potentially add regenerative breaking and headlights to our circuit.


The challenges we expect to encounter will be creating a reliable Arduino code and circuit build, learning how to soder, and mounting the engine and drivetrain. Also making sure our accelerator is reliable, light, and intuitive. At the moment there are many factors we are unsure of and will end up having to adapt to.