Get A Handle On Your Game

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Revision as of 17:07, 12 February 2016 by Jng (talk | contribs)
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Project Overview

This semester, our project is to design a system that will allow a user to track basic tennis swing movements. Currently, there are are a few companies that provide this kind of tracking; however, the most established of them require that the player purchase a specific racket. Others are not as accurate or have a lot of reviews where the sensor flies off of the racket. What we hope to accomplish with this project is a cost-effective solution to become a better tennis player by providing feedback on their swing.

For our project, we will be collecting data by using a combined accelerometer and gyroscope to track swing movements. By the end of the semester, we will be able to show data collected from a tennis racket being swung. As two former college tennis players, we will be able to look at the swing and provide some feedback on how to improve it.

Project Objectives

Project Challenges


  • Parts Ordered Online
    • 2-Axis Brushless Camera Gimbal Stabilization Control Board ($38.91)
    • 2 Brushless Gimbal Motors ($15.15 each)
    • 2200mAh 3S1P 30C Battery ($13.33)
    • Shipping ($20.00)
  • Hardware and Miscellaneous Items ($15.00)
    • Screws
    • Wire
    • Wire Snap Connectors
    • Dampening Pads
    • And other unforeseen items necessary for assembly
  • Finally we would like to hold $30 in reserve which will only be used if we need to purchase replacement brushless gimbal motors due to the malfunction of our original motors

Total: $147.54 (including the $30 reserve)

Gantt Chart

Resources Gantt.png

Tasks Gantt.png