Electric Scooter Weekly Log

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Ari Cotler, Serra Erdamar

Weekly Log:

Week of 9/12/16:

We finished our project proposal, finalized our budget and worked on a Gantt chart to create a project schedule. The first two main board parts are ready to print and we plan to start printing on Monday 9/19.

Week of 9/19/16:

All of the board pieces are finished and will be printed in the next couple of days. We have been working on finding the right motor, motor controller and battery for the scooter and should have an updated budget by early next week.

Week of 9/26/16

This week we worked on trying to find the right motor for our scooter as our goals and needs have changed. We are starting to print our 3D printed pieces. Re-prints will be expected as this our first try.

Week of 10/3/16

This week, the printer became operational again and we were able to begin printing the 3 main board pieces. The first board piece had to be reprinted due to the fact that the layers did not bind together. With the help of our TA, we were able to determine the right print settings and will use these settings for the rest of the printed parts. The design of the front wheel holder and handlebar stabilizer are finalized and will be created in CAD and printed next week. Once all of the parts for the front of the scooter are printed, we will work on assembling the front of the scooter.

Week of 10/10/16

This week we had our meeting with Professor Humberto and talked on a more solid and error free plan on 3D printing and coding for the ESC. Thursday we met with Andrew and worked through a plan to properly understand and code the ESC. Instead of printing each component individually, we will make one CAD file that includes all of the components of the end piece (motor slot etc.).

Week of 10/17/16

This week we did research on the motor controller we are using to power the scooter and purchased the motor controller and battery. CAD files for all of the major parts of the scooter were created and we will work on making a comprehensive model of the scooter. We will work on the code for the motor controller and try to begin assembly of the scooter frame.

Week of 10/28/16

This week we finalized the complete model of the scooter with all of the components. We have all of the electronic parts that we need and will begin programming the motor controller. Printing of the scooter frame parts will resume next week after approval of the complete scooter model from our TA.