Smarter Blinds Log

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Smarter Blinds Log

Week of January 14

January 18: Met with Jim and TA's to discuss possible project ideas. 1 hour

Week of January 21

January 22: Met as a team and created first draft of project proposal. Decided on the Smarter Blinds idea basing it of off the previous Smart Blinds project. Further research allowed us to discover other similar smart blind projects. 1 hour

Week of January 28

Week of February 4

Week of February 11

Week of February 18

Week of February 25

Week of March 4

Week of March 11

Note: Week of Spring Break

Week of March 18

Week of March 25

Week of April 1

Week of April 8

Week of April 15

Week of April 22

Week of April 29

Link to Project page
