WALL-E Weekly Log

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Revision as of 01:15, 26 September 2016 by Djsullivan (talk | contribs)
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September 16

We met with our TA Andrew and completed the project proposal! We figured out our original Bluetooth option wasn't great, so we are now looking at a Bluetooth shield instead. We also found out we would have to power our robot, so we included batteries in our budget.

September 23

We revised our first project proposal to have a direct application and objective. Instead of just roaming around avoiding obstacles listlessly, our project's goal is to create a robot that can lead a blind person while dodging obstacles. Synchronizing a group of sensors to work together, creating code to lead a person and creating a helpful app to communicate to the follower are new updated challenges we will face. We updated our Gantt chart to reflect this and assigned tasks to each project member.

September 30

October 7

October 14

October 21

October 28