Tech Reflect Log

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Revision as of 20:44, 23 September 2016 by Samdkramer (talk | contribs) (→‎9/16/2016)
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This week we met with our TA, Kjartan to discuss our teams projects & goals. We decided on various aspects of our two-way mirror. Next week we will look into ordering parts and figuring out the main displays we would like to create. Learning python will be critical in order to use Raspberry Pi.


This week we met again with our TA, Kjartan to further better our project proposal which needed to provide more specificity in regards as to where we wanted to take the project. We decided on focusing on creating three displays on our two-way mirror: A calendar, weather, and stock display that will be connected wirelessly and updated by a cell phone. We also made some progress on the physical design of the case that will house our two-way mirror. The last part of the the week consisted of creating a more detailed budget with relative parts which we will be ordering for our project.