New Student Checklist

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User creation

Follow this link to request a new account in the wiki. Make sure to include the current semester (i.e. Spring 2017) as well as your generation year and your major in your biography.

Check that you have access to Urbauer Hall 015

All ESE205 registered students have keycard access to Urbauer Hall 015. Check that you can open the door with your WUSTL ID.

Also, keep in mind that this is a shared lab were we keep expensive equipment, so be mindful of your peers and of the equipment's safety when you work there.

Create project page and project log

Each group must create their project wiki page containing:

  • A fantasy name (which is also the title of the wiki page).
  • A short description of your motivation and objectives.

At the end of this page you have to add the following code:

[[Category:Spring 2018 Projects]]

Also, each group must create a page to keep their weekly log. The log must be updated every week with your progress. This log, together with your project demonstration, will be the most important parts of your evaluation at the end of the semester. At the end of your log page you have to add the following code:

[[Category:Spring 2018 Logs]]

You will want to shift from your log page to your project page often. In order to make this easier, put a link to the log page on your project page and vice versa. You can do this in many ways, but after your Overview on the project page, you can put this code at the top of your page:

== Link to Log ==

Then goto the log page and put a link like this at the top of it:

== Link to Project page ==

New to wiki's?

You can find general help about using and editing the wiki here, and help posting videos here. The following table is particularly useful when you edit a wiki page: