Motion Powered Battery Log
Revision as of 16:04, 9 April 2018 by Katherine.laue (talk | contribs)
Week 01/28/18 - 02/02/18:
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Splitting up the work, rough draft design for project - 1 hr
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Determine viable parts online - 1 hr
Week 02/03/18 - 02/09/18:
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Finalize project proposal - 2 hr
- Henry: Create Gantt chart - 30 min
Week 02/10/18 - 02/16/18:
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Making Google Slides for presentation and finalize the Gantt chart - 2.5 hours
- Katherine: Finalize wiki page - 2.5 hrs
- Steven: Writing for wiki page - 1 hr
- Henry: Learning how to use Arduino - 30 min
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Met with John Fordice - 30 min
- Steven: Ordered parts - 20 min
- Steven and Katherine: Create Wiki log - 1 hr
- Katherine: Finalize Wiki page- 30 min
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Finalize slides for presentation - 1 hr
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Rehearsing presentation - 30 min
Week 02/17/18 - 02/23/18:
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Met with John Fordice - 30 min
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Received materials - 30 min
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Researched design aspects for visual diagram - 2 hrs
- Katherine: Updated wiki log - 30 min
Week 02/24/18 - 03/02/18:
- Katherine and Steven: Met with John Fordice - 30 min
- Katherine: Updated wiki page and wiki log - 1 hr
Week 03/03/18 - 03/10/18:
- Katherine: Met with John Fordice - 20 min
- Henry: Met with Mell - 10 min
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Worked in lab to create first design, got a current - 3 hrs
- Katherine: Research USB Connector Converters - 2 hrs
Week 03/11/18 - 03/17/18:
- Katherine and Henry: Worked on Design to hold pieces - 2 hrs
Week 03/18/18 - 03/24/18:
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Re-ordered parts - 30 min
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Worked on Solid Works for design - 1 hr
- Katherine: calculations - 1 hrs
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Solid Works - 1hr
Week 03/25/18 - 03/31/18:
- Katherine: Meeting with John - 20 min
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Coiled pipes and calculated dimensions for box - 2 hrs
- Katherine and Steven: Finished Solid Works and printed first shelf - 1hr
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: worked in lab to print shelf 2 - 1 hr
- Steven: Checked on shelf in lab - 20 min
Week 04/01/18 - 04/07/18:
- Henry: Went to architecture school to create box - 1 hr
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Met with John (4 pm) - 20 min
- Katherine, Steven and Henry: Worked in Lab to create finished product of shelves (4:20 pm) - 1 hr
- Katherine: Checked on shelves when printing (6:30 pm) - 40 min
- Katherine: Printed remaining shelves and updated wiki log (7:10 pm) - 1 hr
- Steven and Henry: Met with Professor Mell - 1 hr
- Katherine: Went to lab to try and print remaining shelves. The printer is out of ink. Emailed John - 30 min