FingerSpark Weekly Log

From ESE205 Wiki
Revision as of 02:54, 10 March 2016 by Cgoggins (talk | contribs)
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Week of 2/8

  • Chose name for Project
  • Completed Project Proposal
  • Identified essential components of product and incorporated these components into the budget
  • Finalized Gantt Chart
  • Created Wiki Page for Project

Week of 2/15

  • Researched prices of items on budget
  • Updated Gantt Chart

Week of 2/22

  • Researched OpenCV
  • Updated Project Wiki
  • Updated Project Budget

Week of 2/29

  • Researched possible libraries to use for color point detection in images in OpenCV (imgproc)
  • Downloaded OpenCV onto Flash Drive
  • Loaded OpenCV onto Raspberry Pi
  • Configured OpenCV to be accessible to Python programs on Raspberry Pi

Week of 3/7