Searching for Stability

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Project Overview

Our project is to create a bike-mounted stabilizing platform for iPhone cinematography. Most stabilizing mechanisms on the market today are both bulky and pricey. Using two motors, two magnetic rotary encoders, and an Arduino module, we hope to create a cost effective 2-axis gimbal. To provide additional stability, we will utilize vibration dampening pads in the mounting device itself. If successful, applications of an inexpensive, compact stabilizing device could be innumerable, from handheld usage to RC and aerial filming and photography.

By the end of the semester we will be able to present iPhone footage from our device to illustrate the stabilizing capabilities of our design.

Project Objectives

  • Research principles and current techniques employed to achieve stability
  • Design and construct a practical and functional mounting device for an iPhone on a bike
  • 3D print a two-axis gimbal to regulate motion of the mounted phone
  • Design and embed the gimbal and additional stability elements either onto or within the mounting platform itself
  • Successfully stabilize the iPhone while recording a video from a moving bike

Project Challenges

  • Identifying appropriate motors to carry out the stabilization of the platform
  • Designing the mounting device and modifying gimbal design using 3D printer
  • Perfecting the programming of the control board
  • Finding the most effective dampening cushions considering size and weight of platform
  • Compacting all elements of the design to create an unobtrusive stabilizing device\


  • Parts Ordered Online
    • Arduino UNO R3 ($21.95)
    • 2 Magnetic Rotary Encoders ($14.99)
    • 2 Brushless Gimbal Motors ($16.33 each)
    • 2 replacement Brushless Gimbal Motors ($10.95 each)
    • 2200mAh 3S1P 40C Battery ($22.69)
    • Dampening Pads ($4.99)
    • Shipping ($20.00)
  • Hardware and Miscellaneous Items ($15.00)
    • Screws
    • Wire
    • Wire Snap Connectors
    • And other unforeseen items necessary for assembly
  • Finally we would like to hold $30 in reserve which will only be used if we need to purchase replacement brushless gimbal motors due to the malfunction of our original motors

Total: $147.54 (including the $30 reserve)

Gantt Chart

Resources Gantt.png

Tasks Gantt.png