Final Report Guidelines

From ESE205 Wiki
Revision as of 16:55, 13 December 2016 by Andrew O'Sullivan (talk | contribs) (Spelling)
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On December 14 at 5pm the project pages will be locked, disabling any further changes. That is, the version posted on December 14 at 5pm will remain posted for as long as this wiki exists.


Your final wiki page must, at least, contain the following sections:

  1. Proposal (the same you wrote months ago)
    • Overview.
    • Team Members.
    • Objectives.
    • Challenges.
    • Gantt Chart.
    • Budget.
  2. Design and Solutions
    • Description of each module of your project, and the solutions you designed to complete them.
    • If you had to learn a new skill to solve a problem (e.g., how to install a particular API, how to communicate using Bluetooth, etc.), then you must create a new HowTo wiki page with a clear tutorial of what you learned.
      Add each of your HowTo pages to Category:HowTos by including the following code at the bottom: [[Category:HowTos]].
  3. Results
    • Present all your results, including modules that only partially worked.
    • Discuss how the results compare to your original objectives.
    • Identify the critical decisions or factors in your project that stopped you from getting a better result (try to avoid obvious comments such as "we run out of time").


The evaluation of the final wiki page will follow the same lines as with regular reports. That is:

  • it must be well organized and clearly written.
  • you must use references when needed.
  • figures must have captions, and be clearly explained.

Each group must write at least one HowTo (most projects can easily write two), which will be evaluated as part of the final report. Be original with your final wiki page, use videos, diagrams, and pictures to replace long (potentially boring) explanations. Aim for depth rather than length in your report, a good short explanation is always superior to a long dense paragraph.

Finally, all the equipment purchased with ESE funds must be returned and added to the inventory. Please coordinate with your TA to make the final inventory before the report's deadline. Remember to let us know of any parts that failed or broke so we can take them out of the inventory.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
- Albert Einstein