BusyBear log

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BusyBear Log

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Week of 1/28/19 (1)

- 01/28



  • Whole Group: Met to try and finalize general goals and project. We worked on our project proposal on our Wiki page. - 2 hours


  • Allison: Finished up the project proposal by inserting the Gantt Chart into the Wiki page. - 30 minutes


  • Thomas and Tom: Worked on the nightlight and established a successful prototype. - 30 minutes
LED is off when lights are on

LED is on when the sensor is covered

Goals for Next Week:

  1. Demonstrate the Night Light
  2. Start working on setting up an environment for the Pi
  3. Investigate networking and image collection for the Pi

Week of 02/04/19 (2)

- 02/04

  • Whole Group: Had meeting with Professor Feher and TA David to discuss current progress and future goals. Determined that the goals for next week will be:
  1. Get Pi going and ready for project
  2. Complete Blackjack website
  3. Complete any tutorials for Pi
  4. Download Stretch and use Etcher
  5. Find a file for 3D printing a Pi + Camera case
  6. Research networking
  7. Consider other locations to test

- 45 minutes


  • Tom and Allison: Downloaded Python, set up an Amazon Web Services account, and began the Blackjack tutorial. - 1 1/2 hours


  • Allison: Finished setting up the MySQL workbench by connecting to the Amazon Web Services account. - 30 minutes
  • Whole Group: Continued working on the Blackjack tutorial and began working on the SSHing the Raspberry Pi Tutorial. We ran into many roadblocks and had to email Ethan several times. Between waiting for software to download and browsing help forums we spent a lot of time away from our actual objectives. Found a 3D printing design file for a Raspberry Pi Case with Camera Mount. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1411080 - 3 hours


  • Tom: Researched more about the ability of the Pi to monitor devices via WiFi on the tutorials we found. Found commands that returns MAC Addresses, but none belonged to phones or recognizable devices that would be found on a student. Other tutorials necessitate some sort of network adapter or WiFi dongle that are capable of "monitoring mode". -1 hour
  • All: Worked on powerpoint presentation -1 hour

Week of 02/11/19 (3)

  • Whole Group: Had meeting with Professor Feher and TA David to discuss current progress and future goals. Determined that the goals for next week will be:
  1. Continue working on Blackjack tutorial
  2. Construct a blinking-LED circuit with the Pi
  3. Meet sometime during the week to discuss networking
  4. Work through a Pi camera tutorial

- 45 minutes


  • Whole Group: Spent some time updating the Powerpoint. More bullet point orientated, changed challenges, and added a resource/helpful links slide - 30 minutes
  • Tom: Got an LED to blink using the Pi using [Blinking LED] - 30 minutes
LED is off with no input

LED is on when button is pressed

  • Tom: Altered the LED blink code to work with user input (a button) and uploaded to GIT. Also made a code for the camera to take n number of pictures overtime just to see if I could get the camera working. Also added to GitHub repository - 1 hour
  • Whole Group: Meet with Ethan to work pass roadblocks in Blackjack. Talked about Blackjack's parts and functions as well as how our project might look like big picture - 1 hour
