Headband Helper Log

From ESE205 Wiki
Revision as of 22:08, 1 February 2019 by Huther (talk | contribs)
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Week of January 27th - February 2nd

  • Monday 1/28: Met with Professor Feher and Ethan Shry (TA) to discuss which direction to take our project. In the end, we settled on doing a wearable headband that has a Rasberry Pi and accelerometer that can collect impact data and transmit it to a web platform for interpretation.
  • Friday 2/1: Had our 3rd class meeting and discussed our next steps for project development. Updated our Wiki page (finalized name "Headband Helper"). Additionally, we were assigned the nightlight project and the blackjack project. Jarrod will focus on the nightlight project, while Katy will focus on blackjack; work will likely be done simultaneously in order to keep the other in the loop.

