Smarter Blinds Log

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Smarter Blinds Log

Week of January 14

January 18: Met with Jim and TA's to discuss possible project ideas. 1 hour

Week of January 21

January 22: Met as a team and created first draft of project proposal. Decided on the Smarter Blinds idea basing it of off the previous Smart Blinds project. Further research allowed us to discover other similar smart blind projects. 1 hour

January 27: Created project wiki page and started logging our progress and updating our goals. Created our first draft of our budget and started thinking about our Gantt Chart. 1 hour

January 28: Met as a team with Professor Feher and Michael to discuss progress. Learned how to create Gantt Chart. Discussed possibilities of using either Arduino with a Bluetooth chip or Feather. Received Arduino device. Briefly went over Night Light project. 30 minutes

January 29: Added tasks to Gantt Chart, basing them primarily off of the Gant chart from the previous Smart Blinds project. Found and reviewed similar smart blinds projects from, such as smart blinds that responded to ambient light and heat as well as smart blinds controlled by Blynk. 1 hour

January 30: Constructed a budget for the Night Light project using an Excel spreadsheet. 30 minutes

Week of January 28

Week of February 4

Week of February 11

Week of February 18

Week of February 25

Week of March 4

Week of March 11

Note: Week of Spring Break

Week of March 18

Week of March 25

Week of April 1

Week of April 8

Week of April 15

Week of April 22

Week of April 29

Link to Project page
