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Week of 02/01 - 02/07

Alexa, Anais, Manohar: We are continuing to develop our project idea and proposal. One significant challenge is figuring out what our tasks will be, because we have to learn more about Arduino before we know what tasks it will involve and how to assign each task accordingly. Another significant challenge is determining what materials we will need to purchase, because we are still in the process of learning/figuring out how to create out project. This week we also struggled to figure out how to make our wiki pages, but we were eventually able to figure it out together during class.

Week of 02/05 - 02/08

Alexa, Anais, Manohar: This week we are still working on our project proposal. A major challenge has been trying to foresee what tasks and materials out project will entail, because we do not yet know how to build our project in the first place. We are starting to research the capabilities of Arduinos and of different kinds of sensors to try get a better idea of what we will be working with. With some research and brainstorming, we came up with our budget list with our initial ideas of some materials we might want to use to build our project. We have spent a considerable amount of time developing a list of tasks we will need to complete and a list of items we will need to purchase. We have also worked on developing our project's main objectives and goals, which can be found on our main project page.

Week of 02/09 - 02/15

Alexa and Anais: In this video, we demonstrated our Arduino skills by connecting an input to an output, allowing a light to flash at one-second intervals when we disconnect the jumper from ground and reconnect it to Pin 9. The light at "L" flashes for one second when the input and output are connected.

Week of 02/16 - 02/22

Alexa, Anais, Manohar: This week, we spent a lot of time putting together our project presentation for class. We also did more research on what kinds of sensors we can use. Originally, we had thought about using ultrasonic sensors, but this posed multiple issues/limitations. Ultrasonic sensors would not be effective for communication between two devices in busy environments that are not in direct line of sight, because objects between the sensors would interrupt the ultrasonic waves. Instead, we decided to use bluetooth instead. We spent a lot of time looking at different sensors, and we came across the HC-06 Bluetooth Module, which we think will suit the needs of our project. One downside of this bluetooth module is that the range is limited to about 30 feet. However, the bluetooth module will also be better suited for busy environments, and it will be able to transmit information despite physical interference between the devices. Now that we have chosen what kind of sensor we want to use, we need to order it as soon as possible so we can get some hands-on practice with it and figure out how to use it for our project. One upcoming challenge will be figuring out the phone side of the system of devices. It is unclear from the bluetooth module product description how we will create a user interface on the phone.

Link to Project Presentation