Concussion Coach Log

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Week 1 (9/4/17-9/10/17)

We formed our group and started talking about project ideas. We then met to discuss all of the ideas we had. We then met with Jim to talk about our ideas a decided on a football helmet with a sensor to monitor concussions. We then created the wiki page for our group.

Week 2 (9/11/17-9/17/17)

This week we met with our TA, Nathan, and solidified our project concept. We talked about how we are going to execute our idea and what parts we will need to order. We also created our Gantt chart, splitting up all of the tasks we will need to complete throughout the semester. This week we also met with Jim to discuss the logistics of our project and talked about what skills and materials we would need to fulfill our goals for the project.

Week 3 (9/18/17-9/24/17)

This week we met with Nathan and solidified the logistics of our projects, i.e., the set up of arduinos and communication between the helmet and sideline via radio frequency (0.75 hours).

I coded the arduino to have the LED light flash in more code '205' (1 hours).

Arduino Video:

I researched the various types of arduinos needed for our project. I then researched options for the specific parts that we need (2 hours). I updated the project proposal to reflect the project logistics we discussed with Nathan (0.5 hours). I updated the gantt chart to reflect what we discussed with Nathan (0.5 hours).
I created the budget, including all of the items that we need to order as well as other materials that we will need and are provided by the class. I also looked into the option of a touch screen LCD (1 hour).

Week 4 (9/25/17-10/1/17)

This week we met with Nathan and discussed what we should each be doing to learn the programming and designing for each of our parts (0.75 hour). We also met with Jim and reviewed what we should be doing every week to keep on track with our project and what we should be putting on our weekly log (0.5 hours). Our parts should be arriving by Wednesday this week, so our goal for this week is to start working with the parts and begin coding/designing the actual project.
This week I fixed the dates in the gantt chart and the weekly log so they reflected the week following our meeting with Nathan on Monday. I also further specified the debugging stages in our gantt chart (0.5 hours). I worked with Emma to update the format of our weekly log based on the posted guidelines (0.5 hours). I ordered all of the parts, which should get here next week (0.5 hours). I spent most of my time watching videos and reading articles about the setup of the arduino uno and how to use the IDE to program it (3 hours). I then practiced working with the arduino by using it to turn an LED on and off with the press of a button (1 hour) and to change the brightness with a potentiometer (1.5 hours). My goals for next week are to familiarize myself with the transmitting and receiving function of the arduino (especially with RF) and to start working with the LCD interface, which should be here on Wednesday.

Turning on LED with button
Using potentiometer to change brightness of LED

This week I worked with Darby to update and reformat our weekly log to meet the required guidelines (0.5 hours). I spent the rest of my time learning how to use Autodesk Fusion 360. I have never used the software before so I had to start from the very beginning to begin to familiarize myself with it. I watched videos and went through tutorials to learn how to use some of the different tools the program has to offer (5 hours).

This week I looked up tutorials on how to communicate between Arduino's using radio frequency on YouTube. I found some handy libraries that may help in figuring out how to code our project, and I also found projects that used radio frequency in Arduino (3 hours). Also, I spent some time messing around with the accelerometer on the Arduino to get a feeling of what it would be like to code the actual accelerometer when it comes in. (2 hours).

Week 5 (10/2/17-10/8/17)

This week we met with Nathan and discussed our first steps with our parts and beginning the design phase of our project (0.5 hours). We received our parts. We also met and created our presenetation for class on Friday and updated our gantt chart to extend our design phase as Nathan suggested (0.5 hours).