Wash U Doing

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Revision as of 01:10, 3 March 2017 by CPazos (talk | contribs)
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Project Overview

Wash U Doing is a novel interactive website bringing Washington University students and student groups together. On-campus WUSTL groups will have the opportunity to create events on Wash U Doing, through which students can to stay updated with events on campus. To promote such events, students can also live share photos and announcements.


  • Kristine Ehlinger, Systems Engineering '20
  • Carol Pazos, Systems Engineering, Operations and Supply Chain Management '20
  • Dylan Zubata, Systems Engineering, Economics and Strategy '20
  • TA: Natalie Ng


  • Display an annotated map (from ArcGIS) that shows popular destinations on campus including all major buildings on campus
  • Have an interactive live-feed to which website visitors can upload pictures and send announcements for meetings and events
  • Access the complete website from both our demo laptop and visitors cell phones


  • Learn how to code using HTML
  • Figure out how to encode the arcGIS map into the webpage
  • Learn how to create a live-feed network on our website
  • Finding a way to allow people to upload photos and announcements into the feed
  • Create a search box so that users can find the locations from announcements on the map
  • Complete annotations on WUSTL campus map


  • ArcGIS coding software = $0 (Provided by WashU)
  • Device with iOS = $0 (Provided by team members)
  • Eclipse Software = $0 (Previously installed in computer)
  • Notepad = $0 (Previously installed in computer)
  • Domain name and Web Hosting: ~$15, $4.99/month for 3 months (https://www.godaddy.com/hosting/windows-hosting)

Gantt Chart


Results and Analysis