BetaDelta Log
Week of January 27, 2017
- Brainstormed project ideas
- Our focus was on a website that provides realtime updates about the availability of South 40 study rooms
- Held first meeting with our TA
- Began work on our proposal
Week of February 3, 2017
- Met with TA to finalize our project idea as well as its highlights
- Highlights include:
- User input ability, where students can publicize which subjects are being studied in specific study rooms
- The detection of room occupation via light sensor
- A history log of past room availabilities, so that students can make predictions for future study plans
- Finished proposal
Week of February 10, 2017
- Refined proposal
- Edited Gantt chart and budget
- Began learning how to code in python
- Began design ideas for Raspberry Pi casing