Grocery Guru

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Maggie Archer Anna Cossio Amelia Delzell


Grocery shopping, inevitably, will take far longer than necessary. During a trip to the store, the average shopper becomes distracted by intriguing items, struggles to find obscure products on their list, and needs to revisit the same aisle multiple times in order to retrieve forgotten items.

Additionally, products on a grocery list were likely added to the list in the order they were brainstormed by the user; not into groups based on their location in the store!

We aim to eliminate these inefficient practices with our project by creating an iPhone app that allows the user to form their own grocery list through the app. Their groceries will be organized with respect to their location in each aisle throughout the store.Then, the user will be given a personalized route through the store that minimizes their shopping time. Our app will also provide the approximate time it will take the user to complete their shopping run.


  1. Create a database of a grocery store's items, locations, and prices
  2. Create an iPhone app that takes in a grocery list and arranges the items efficiently based on location in the grocery store
  3. Create a program that identifies item keywords so that the user does not have to input specific requests
  4. Develop a formula that estimates the time spent in the grocery store based on a list of items