CV Chess

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Revision as of 20:13, 19 September 2018 by Rjgoodloe (talk | contribs)
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This is the page for the CV Chess project.

Project Overview

This project aims to use a camera, a raspberry pi, and computer vision software to recognize the movements of chess pieces in a game of chess. The final product will be able to recognize individual pieces, as well as
determine the change in positions (squares) they occupy. This will ultimately yield a project that can verify valid moves, transcribe games, and perhaps implement an AI to act as an opponent of a lone player.

Team Members

Robert Goodloe
Nhut Dhang
TA: Ethan Shry
Instructor: Prof. Jim Feher


1) Use OpenCV software to recognize chess board.
2) Use OpenCV software to recognize the chess pieces.
3) Use OpenCV software to recognize the movement of the pieces.
4) Transcribe game of chess and present in user-friendly fashion.

Potential Objectives

1) Add an AI component that responds to a users movements. It would display a move which the user must execute on behalf of the AI.


Gantt Chart
