Easy Stir Fry

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Revision as of 03:42, 19 September 2018 by GPassamonti (talk | contribs)
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Project Proposal: Easy Stir Fry(ESF)


Project Overview

Easy Stir Fry, or ESF for short, is an academic project for a course labeled ESE 205. Given the open ended task to build something, really anything, Stephen and Garrett decided to create an online platform which gives a user wait-list information, order notifications, and the possibility to order online. The lines in Bear's Den are getting worse, people are standing outside the Stir Fry area, waiting for 15,20, sometimes even more than 25 minutes for their food! WashU students always have more work to get done, why waste time standing around waiting for food? Easy Stir Fry will allow users to monitor current wait times and be notified when their order is ready-to-go! ESF has the goal of making BD a more open environment with less people crowding lines and congesting the food court during peak meal hours.

Team Members

  • Stephen Richardson [Student]
  • Garrett Passamonti [Student}
  • Ethan Shry [TA]
  • Jim Feher [Professor]



Gantt Chart
