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PVC Pipe for the case holding dynamo<br />
PVC Pipe for the case holding dynamo<br />
Metal Brackets for attaching the dynamo and battery to the bicycle
Metal Brackets for attaching the dynamo and battery to the bicycle
[https://www.amazon.com/Projects-10EP5121R00-Ohm-Resistors-Pack/dp/B01ADKRLBC/ref=sr_1_3?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1518142014&sr=1-3&keywords=1+ohm+resistors&dpID=41jRx3gCCJL&preST=_SX342_QL70_&dpSrc=srch 10 1ohm resistors $5.79]

Revision as of 02:08, 9 February 2018


Energy is all around us, but on a near daily basis we find ourselves low on charge by the end of the day. The objective of Cycle Charger is to harness the rotational energy of a bicycle ride and store the energy in a battery for a late day boost. Cycle Charger aims to be completely out of the way, requiring no user input beyond riding and plugging in.

Team Members

  • Kyle Cummings
  • Nathan Genstein
  • Kaylynn Williamson
  • Sam Chai (TA)



  • Through the use of a "bottle dynamo" we will use the rotation of the wheel of the bike to rotate magnets in the presence of a copper coil to generate electricity.


  • Using a "rectifier" we will convert the AC current created from the generator into DC current. Then a capacitor will be used to generate smooth current that a phone can use.


  • We will then feed the generated current into a battery that is fastened to the bike where it will be stored. There will also be a detachable portable charger that will be charged from the main battery.


  • Learning how to properly assemble a bottle dynamo.
  • Sizing the components of the bottle dynamo properly to avoid friction/ rapid unscheduled disassembly.
  • Fastening the components to the bicycle in such a way that the wires won't come loose with the vibration of the bike.
  • Wiring the battery in such a way that the fluctuation in the energy generation does not damage the components.
  • Figuring out how to not make the generator overheat

Gantt Chart


Copper Wire - given
Iron Core - given
Permanent Magnets - given
Cased Wire - given
Wave Bridge Rectifer x 5 - $6.99
50V, 6800uF Capacitor x 5 - $14.57
150 ohm resistors x 100 - $6.43
Portable Charger - $9.99
PVC Pipe for the case holding dynamo
Metal Brackets for attaching the dynamo and battery to the bicycle 10 1ohm resistors $5.79