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James will put the budget here at some point

Revision as of 20:54, 12 February 2019

Link to Log


Project Proposal


We are going to be constructing a hoverboard that would be able to hover a few centimeters off the ground. It will be able to move to a destination by means of a beacon or vectors, and contain some measure of intelligence.

Team Members

  • Lucas Alcantara
  • James Shaheen
  • Michael Horwitz
  • TA: Tony


  • To enable the hoverboard to autonomously detect obstacles
  • To enable the hoverboard to autonomously travel to a beacon
  • To enable the hoverboard to follow a predetermined trail / follow a trail marked out on the ground

List of Dated Goals

February 15, 2019: Present initial project proposal to the entire class. During this time, the goals of the project should be presented along with a condensed timeline for completion as well as anticipated challenges that have been or will be faced.

  • Finish the night light in the first week or so (date TBD)
  • Build the physical board (date TBD)
  • Familiarize ourselves with the sensor and work on coding to make self sufficient (date TBD)
  • Present hoverboard (date TBD)


  • Not a whole lot of experience in automation. There will a be a learning curve for this group.

This will be a list of things here at some point, but I think those should be decided on by a group, not just by me

  • It may be difficult to familiarize ourselves with a raspberry pi if that is what we decide to use (however I’m pretty sure we are not)
  • It could be a challenge to learn how to utilize the ultrasonic distance sensor so our can be self dependent and navigate through obstacles



  • Arduino
  • Some other things that we will decide upon at a future date

Gantt Chart


Preliminary Group Presentation


Helpful Links

